
It wasn't quite as simple as the Republican vote being split. Some of Roosevelt's voters would undoubtedly have voted for Wilson over Taft. It was a rare genuine 3-way race.

Well, part of that was because the U.S. wasn't even in it (thanks a lot, Republican congress!)

But… but… Metropolis! Dr. Mabuse der Spieler! (OK, that one's more like 4 1/2 hours)

Beyond the obvious misogyny here, what I could never understand was why people thought Jeri Ryan was more attractive than Jennifer Lien.


But they might still be tricked into paying for it, you see.

I sort of agree about Manhattan, but I think that, independent of being a milestone in his development as an artist, Annie Hall is a masterpiece.

I'm sorry.

@avclub-92a972196ae14b06997dc73a44c6cddd:disqus <ultra-pedantry>That's not a language.  It's a system for encoding language, in this case English.</ultra-pedantry>

Fury is fairly good, though in my opinion it's marred by the fact that Spencer Tracy was a terrible actor.  The Big Heat and Scarlet Street are both very good noir (the former in the form of a crime thriller, the latter a character drama).  Hangmen Also Die! is my favorite of his three WWII films.  I was very

Eh, for a Lang WWII film I'd take either Ministry of Fear or Hangmen Also Die! over Man Hunt.

No one in the entertainment industry today would ever consider making 'The General' (i.e. 'The Dead Hand') with the ending it has, which, as Arex points out, is deliberately anti-climactic.  It would inevitably be replaced with some kind of spectacular space battle, undercutting the whole point of the story.

Pictland for the Picts!

Um, actually that sounds pretty reasonable.

Michael Ellis is great.  At the very least, it's by far the best episode of the fourth series.  I still can't avoid bursting into laughter whenever someone mentions electric kettles.

Agreed.  I generally think that the audio versions are inferior to the Flying Circus, but this is one case where I prefer the record.

I am fond of Scott of the Antarctic, but I think that the Cycling Tour is better.  The problem with Scott of the Antarctic is that it is essentially one idea done at great length.  The Cycling Tour, on the other hand, is more along the lines of the Science Fiction Sketch, or the Piranha Brothers (despite being

I like to use the line 'Excuse me while I fly my aeroplane and play the grand piano' whenever I think someone is being pretentious or unnecessarily fancy.  Usually they don't get it.

I, for one, am very glad that The Fall of Arthur was published.  I bought it immediately, read it within a day or two, and thoroughly enjoyed it.