
@Automocar:disqus  Did you just call Steppenwolf awful?  You're history's greatest monster!

She failed at looking it up, too, as the definition she came up with was "an ignorant lawyer".  (She probably confused the etymology with the definition).

@avclub-ff3315df974a82424353d399b7a68c07:disqus  I feel like the fact that that's my favorite joke in Life of Brian says something strange about me.

Well, the idea that "Warrior Society" necessitates "meritocracy" doesn't hold in the real world either.  Look at Viking-age Scandinavia, for instance.  Martial ability was a primary virtue, but no commoner ever got to be a jarl by being a strong fighter.

Good god, what kind of nerds are you?  It's Greek, not Latin: bulletproof platypodes, not bulletproof platypi.   I sentence you all to reciting Greek declension paradigms sitting in a barrel, while I take shots at you.

@avclub-b2621ad371fcae42f15e7a2ae8ab8777:disqus   Probably not more enjoyable, but certainly less annoying.

The problem, though, especially on Voyager, is that there was little appreciation of the difference between a complex program that really is a sentient entity (like the Doctor) and a simple program that merely replicates certain human(oid) behaviours (like characters in an ordinary holodeck program).  And suddenly

And yet, of course, as of 'The Host', Starfleet didn't even know about the whole symbiosis thing.

@avclub-0635aab06cd18b6b3f48dba92774c912:disqus  I am from now on going to pretend that 'the higher, the fewer' means 'the greater the altitude in a gas giant, the fewer particles there are per unit volume'.  Then at least one thing about that episode will make sense.

@avclub-eb0f5b9e445976e34dc0451b464c8947:disqus  I agree with the general sentiment, and I too have always thought that Voyager at its best could actually be kind of great.  I would say that the problem with Voyager, though, was not so much the lack of a 'big picture' but the weak characterization.  TNG and,

Let's be honest, though: ANY changes to "Let He Who Is Without Sin . . ." would necessarily have been an improvement.  It was pretty much optimally terrible.

I actually like TNG Worf a lot better than DS9 Worf.  On DS9 he started to become a caricature of himself.

@ECheung That's a fair point.  And yeah, though I generally have a more positive view of Voyager than others here, the fact that the Maquis integrated so quickly and so completely was one of the biggest early screw-ups.

@ECheung That's a fair point.  And yeah, though I generally have a more positive view of Voyager than others here, the fact that the Maquis integrated so quickly and so completely was one of the biggest early screw-ups.

@avclub-f09e57b700c3f50f42e812264b8f7d4f:disqus  Thanks.  Looks like my complete non-use of twitter has finally caught up with me.

@avclub-f09e57b700c3f50f42e812264b8f7d4f:disqus  Thanks.  Looks like my complete non-use of twitter has finally caught up with me.

Ah, I'd completely forgotten about that.  Carry on, then.

Ah, I'd completely forgotten about that.  Carry on, then.

To be fair (yes, even to Voyager!), how exactly was Voyager supposed to know that the uniform design had been changed?  And once they did get back into contact with Starfleet, would their number one priority really be to obtain the new uniform specifications and replicate replacements for every crew member?

To be fair (yes, even to Voyager!), how exactly was Voyager supposed to know that the uniform design had been changed?  And once they did get back into contact with Starfleet, would their number one priority really be to obtain the new uniform specifications and replicate replacements for every crew member?