@zerovampire311: it's the velociRapture
@zerovampire311: it's the velociRapture
@Rabid Penguin: Well....I'd laugh still if there was a similar depiction of Jesus riding a cat.
@scarbrtj: we must protect our precious bodily fluids...
Seems like a lesson in how to share.
There's a lot of ranting going for Giz day....
@InsidiousTuna: 713.
As a reformed thief, I guarantee that this will barely keep your money safe.
@pouncep: I'm a fairly paranoid person. I like to know if there's any movement in my house and if anyone rings the door bell or knocks on the doors while I'm gone.
I've set up a NetBotz 500 in my house. The web portal works nicely on the iPhone. It also sends emails when motion is detected with photos of said motion.
One of the reasons I had kids was to continue buying toys like this.
What about vinyl sales?
Little Shop of Horrors FTW.
@Steven Callas: If only....Our (I mean the company I work for) data center's is this crummy off-white colored walls, nasty tiles, rows are not aligned...etc. Don't even think about pulling the tiles up.
@Murdermonkey: Hilarious.
No love for the Jaguar controller?
the "switches and routers" steps are the coolest man.
In our datacenter, we have a petabyte of storage in only one cabinet, not two.