airsix73 914-turbo unicorn reserve not met

So hard to pick just one, but I'll go with red light runners. It has reached a point in my community where it is the norm. Light goes red and 2-3 more cars go through.

I think we have the same commute!

Your story gives me happy feelings. Especially when I imagine the scraping and grinding sounds.

I stopped reading when I got to that mistake. I figured if the author doesn't know a blow-back semi-auto from a bolt-action there probably isn't going to be much for me in this article.

I don't know that I can ever take a car review at face value. There is too much pandering going on. I like Clarkson because he tells you his honest opinion. It's his opinion though and there are things he likes that I know I wouldn't and vice versa. But that's okay. I know he's being honest with himself and I can sort

I would promote your comment straight to the top if I wasn't a peon. I worked as a professional wrench before I finished school. 1/3 of my work was fixing shit people (including other shops and dealerships) broke or buggered up using the wrong tool or ham-fisting it. It happens often enough without PROMOTING it.

I'm not taking any automotive repair/service advice from someone who takes their drain plug out with adjustable pliers! Good greif. Welcome to amateur hour. Are you kidding me? Fine. Cut corners when nobody's looking, but don't teach the world to do it! Take pride in your work. I know this is the "Parkinglot Mechanic"

Was wondering same.

Great COTD!

Alex, thank you. It's really great to have you here doing this.

Futzing with your DD-WRT router every couple of days? Uh... mine has over a one-year uptime without so much as a reboot or me loging in to do more than just check the bandwidth usage graphs. And it's been in service for over 4 years. It's the most hands-off trouble-free piece of electronics in the whole house

Who needs 1,000lb added to the weight of their sports car? That's nearly a 1/3 increase. I'll pass. I have nothing against electric, but when you take a 2,000lb sports car and increase its weight to 3,000lb you crush its soul. (I have two cars that weigh less than 2,100, so I'm not speculating)

They do like the launch! There are some guys who fly Sharp Shinned hawks, which are very small, and they like to be thrown like a football. No kidding. It takes a lot of energy to take-off and get up to speed, and during that time the prey is getting further and further away. They figure out real fast that a "carrier

Trust me, the hawk loves it. Imagine if your life hung in the balance on a daily basis where you had to catch your own food and if you missed a meal you got weaker making it easy to miss the second meal making you even more weak. It cascades quickly because a hawk in the wild misses about 9 times out of 10, each time

I approve!

How is it even possible for a Coast Guard rescue operation to cost only $300/hr? It costs more than $300 per flight hour just for the maintenance work on a single helicopter.

I for one, welcome our new overlord.

I would promote this right up the flagpole if I could. Very well said!

Awesome post. Don't worry, we'll catch'em in the corners my friend.