Maybe GM is trying to ingratiate itself with the government by acting more like it. Politics over performance.
Maybe GM is trying to ingratiate itself with the government by acting more like it. Politics over performance.
This is the correct answer, being both awesome and only recently decommissioned (less than 90 days ago I think). Too bad my fuel budget would only allow it to be flown 2 hours per year.
Unfortunately, it's just like dropping buttered toast. When you fly through the air on a mattress it will always land person-side down.
Unfortunately, just like when dropping buttered toast, when you fly through the air on a mattress it will always land person-side down.
Slash is crazy if he thinks he's going to get $100,000,000 for that plastic pig. $100 grand maybe, but definitely not $100,000 grand.
CP. Fauxborghini's are like bad wigs. I can respect hair and I can respect bald, but I can't respect this spray-on hair.
I think Peter has selected a very polarizing example that's a bit extreme in my mind, but the general concept appeals to me. I love the idea of retaining a superb driving experience while muting the outward display. For example, I really want an Elise. The thing that holds me back is the idea of being seen in it. You…
At first glance I thought they tried to make a hovercraft.
The thing I love most about 944s is that if you don't do your own maintenance/repair work they punish you with huge monetary fines for not being manly. If you do your own work they reward you handsomely. Cars that require you to earn their respect are awesome.
First shooting brake I really really like.
458 "Nice Price" votes. LMAO
If you're stupid enough to go to the wedding you're probably too stupid to drive something awesome. I'm going to say something beige since you were apparently neutered before the separation.
'97 M3 sedan 5-speed (M3/4/5).
Besides being terribly inefficient, they missed a great opportunity. Instead of induction they should use a plasma arc! Please Please Please change the design to use plasma arc! My neighbor's cat loves to shit in my garden and then run under my car. I really really want to watch that cat run under my car while it's…
I wanted a green machine but my old man scoffed and put me on a two-wheeler. THANK YOU DAD! Training wheels off before kindergarten. Second bike by 1st grade. Then in 3rd grade I hit the jackpot. The Schwinn Phantom Mag Scrambler Competition. (queue intense choir music). Cool points went off the chart. I could take…
Pictured is a 914-6 GT. At a 10:1 power to weight ratio it's no slouch (unlike the base model). They actually handle very well in the snow when equipped with skinny rubber. I drove one through 2 snowy winters my first 2 years of college. I had a good set of studded snow tires and never got stuck (to my own…
Surprised it took so long.
I want an M5 v10 in a 2002