
Good luck getting advice like this posted here. These deals are usually for decent yet overpriced products for what you get. There’s never any commentary about what you’re missing or other products that may be far superior for a similar price (Dell just had 27" 1440p 165hz deals very recently), just schilling for

Good luck getting advice like this posted here. These deals are usually for decent yet overpriced products for what

If you have a Ryzen system, actually, don’t. 3000mhz DDR4 in an AMD system is not ideal, and might actually hold back the CPU. For like $10 more you can get 32000mhz DDR4 from a company like G.Skill, which is probably the slowest you should be shooting for (3600mhz is the sweet spot for Ryzen 2). Just because

If you have a Ryzen system, actually, don’t. 3000mhz DDR4 in an AMD system is not ideal, and might actually hold

“The most fun you’ve had since Odyssey”? So, the best Mario experience since the last new official Mario release? Is it just me, or is that a really weird statement?

What a ridiculous post

What a ridiculous post

Well, this didn’t work out very well, did it.

Well, this didn’t work out very well, did it.

While this review is incredibly well written (I really appreciated the section on the controller!), your complaints about the 60fps high frame rate feeling “weird” in Miles Morales and comparing it to HFR in film makes me seriously question your experience with videogames. Have you never played a single PC game at

Rachel Maddow has completely let me down in the wake of this. She and the rest of MSNBC has railed (rightfully!) against Trump and his GOP for YEARS. And then when confronted with a terrible, greedy decision made by their own parent company? They roll the fuck over. As their biggest news personality, Rachel was in a

No point. And this is coming from the site that, again and again, tells us never to preorder. Like here:

No point. And this is coming from the site that, again and again, tells us never to preorder. Like here: https://kota

While it’s true that many ride attendants will let you sit alone or in your own row, one of the rides that you listed as an example - Pirates of the Caribbean - is not typically one of those. You may have gotten lucky, because as a party of one in both Disney World or Disneyland, I’ve frequently been placed with one

As a huge and lifelong Patriots fan, this is incredible content. Every single word of what you’ve written is correct. 

Apparently it’s never too late for this stuff, they’re always right sooner or later

It’s not Gronk’s fault if he’s put in a position to fail. That’s completely on Joe Judge (ST coach) and Belichick - they should know it’s way too far for a hail mary. Why not put in athletic players whose primary job is to make tackles? they double their salaries in one night and have to pay higher taxes for the year and that’s somehow a problem? Are you serious?

I see it more as context to paint a picture of the rationality or intelligence of the family.

*7.5W and 5.0W, not volts.

*7.5W and 5.0W, not volts.

This post is incorrect- iPhones will NOT charge at their fastest possible speed of 7.5V, but at 5.0V only. Fast charging is only available for Android phones with this charger. Such a ridiculously misleading product (and post!) as it features an iPhone X in the product description and picture and has the words “Fast

This post is incorrect- iPhones will NOT charge at their fastest possible speed of 7.5V, but at 5.0V only. Fast

Kirk - what’s your setup? I’ve seen people with 1080s that have issues and others with 680s run it fairly well. Seems to be somewhat of a crap shoot.