
It's called "Googlesnark."  Abbreviated versions:

"too lazy; didn't read."

Not if he's a closet masochist.

Probably the VPs.

Gary Cooper > Billy Bob Thornton

I would think that in an "Objectivist society" (one in which most people tend to hold to the tenets of Objectivism, not necessarily one in which an Objectivist political party exists among others) one would have to be left free to vote for one's own self interests (or against them), as long as one didn't take away

"It's uter-US, not uter-YOU!"

Now that you've analyzed the "rape" scene in The Fountainhead,  I am beginning to wonder if the controversy is just due to Rand's ineptitude as a writer.  She may have meant to convey a vaguely  dom/sub scene, in which the "resistance" of the sub partner is more faked than real … and just couldn't write it clearly.

I think you know about as much as global economics as you do about book printing.   (Pulp for paper comes from tree farms, not leveling forests.)

The issue that Objectivism (or Libertarianism which has some similarities) raises, and that is provocative, is not whether or not people are vaguely supposed to be "equal" in some way, but *who* makes that judgment, and how is it enacted in practice?

I wonder if that would work in reverse, provided the woman had a strap-on to resort to.  It would certainly be funnier.  I guess strap-on's weren't popular in the '50s.

Or Naked Twister.

She was probably passable in her 20s.

Au contraire, the Stooges were quite popular among the intelligentsia in France, where they were known as "Les Trois Fous" and inspired a generation of filmmakers and comedians and helped lift spirits in an often bleak post-war era.  Eye-gouging and nut-kicking knows no language barriers.

Take a number.

Michael Chiklis would make a great Curly.  Though if Moe poked him in the eyes, he'd probably pull out a Glock and blow him away.

That would make a great Charlie Kaufman movie.

Jeez, I just remembered now that there were two crappy pseudo-Curlies that followed Curly, not just Curly Joe.

But it's a lobster … and it bit his penis … it works on SO many levels!  Well, just the lobster and penis level, but it works.  And then he screams in falsetto!  A veritable laugh riot, as it were.

Journey's got a couple of bittersweet (if slightly overwrought) road songs.  No one could belt 'em out like Steve Perry.