
Two zombies sitting in chairs. With potted ferns next to them. Interview style.

You don't actually prefer "Daredevil" and "Elektra" just because they suck?  Or the FF films?  No thanks, I'll take a dozen "Captain America" / "Thor" level films over them any day.

"…nothing more than my numb acceptance of a bleak and joyless future plus my crushing feeling of irredeemable loss."

SyFy eats energy bars and gets drunk on generic mouthwash and cough syrup because it's futuristically-colored or something and also cheap.

Boulder > Denver

I was a Torihead for a while, saw her twice in '07 (L.A. and Portland), disappointed with that year's album and the fact that both concerts were almost identical. Also her  last album before the current one (Addicted to Sin or something) was nigh-near forgettable.  Night of Hunters sounds interesting though.

9/11, you know.  Can't be too careful.

And yet her face never seems to age for some reason.


All it was missing was an umlaut over one of the vowels.  And an endorsement from Spinal Tap.  "See, because the little dots make it more metal, right?"  "That's right!"

Zuma > Zune?

Apparently it was based on Netflix screwing the pooch, because I recently signed up for BB's dvd by mail service in response to the Qwikster debacle.  Now I may have to reconsider.

Coke Blak?

And the other half is complaining about PayPal.

Is she wearing a reindeer costume?

Which means you're probably on some sort of Federal watch list or something.

It's a trick!

Plenty of work assembling iPads in China though.

Harry Knowles and Devin Faraci were greatly disappointed at being passed over.

Don't give him any ideas.