
Third Eye Blind > Blink 182

Also, I think there are still a lot more titles on DVD than on blu, though I don't have the exact figures handy.  DVDs have gone down in price a lot also and will continue to do so as blu's and streaming get more pervasive. I think DVD will continue as a legacy tech for many more years.

He earned it.

I think adult-oriented video stores are still doing good business. It's one of the few options left for buying and watching stuff anonymously.  Plus the occasional little holes in between the private video booths seem to allow for a certain low-tech "3-D" experience, or so I've heard.

"Hi, I'm Reed Hastings, welcome to Blockbuster!"

Rooftop dishes prohibited by my HOA rules.  Just saw a few taken down recently.  They left the support brackets up though, for some stupid reason.

Actually (as I wrote so proudly elsewhere) I just signed up for their dvd by mail program, mainly out of being pissed off at the whole Netflix debacle.

Cave painting for me.  Was perfect until the cave chieftains started getting so greedy to the point that if you wanted to see gazelles you'd go to one cave but if you wanted to see mammoths you'd have to go to a completely different cave and pay another 4 shells and 3 rabbit pelts for the privilege.  Then all the p0rn

Which one is the "husband"?

Before you know it, everything will be streamed through cable to your television.  You'll be able to choose whatever you want to watch just by flipping a channel on your remote.  To keep prices down, they'll just have lots of commercial advertisements before, after, and to some extent in the middle of the movies.

I just joined Blockbuster's dvd by mail service this week and received my first disc already.  30 day free trial. What the heck. I'll enjoy it while it lasts.

It's actually from Cage's upcoming remake of Eyes Wide Shut.

10% to the agent, 15% to the manager, another 30% in taxes … ?

I'm so glad the new registration system eliminated spam like this!

Sorry, I've ridden public transport in many cities (Boston, NYC, DC, L.A., Phoenix, SF, Portland, Seoul, London … ) and although they are convenient and sometimes indispensable (esp. when one doesn't have a car), they do have serious downsides in some places.  Places like L.A. are barely functional with public

That's a good point about the failure (so far) of blu-rays to take over against DVDs the way DVDs did over VHS.  DVDs are going to be a legacy tech for many more years. Even when they are technically "replaced" by streaming, their relative low cost by that time (massive discounting) and the existence of plenty of DVD

I told them this whole Disqus thing would come back to haunt them, and now it has!!  And I can't even post this reply under the post I want to because when they get too skinny you can't reply!!  (not a weight joke)

Yes, because only WHITE PEOPLE (tm) live in the first world.

I expect dvds to continue to go down in price and you'll be able to buy new or used stuff on Amazon and more niche-oriented sites fairly inexpensively.

I'm so relieved that my paid-for content will be safely and securely stored in the Cloud (tm), instead of my insecure house.  What could go wrong?