It's from RT so it must be true...
It's from RT so it must be true...
The burrito tunnel laughs at this foolishness!
Needs more Denno Coil.
@flashcordon_974: I saw the "what's in the box" short, and loved it. I hope it gets extended. I want to know what's in that box.
@flashcordon_974: I WANT MORE.
@Dyn: New Zealand or Japan?
@Tuna-Can: Me too.
@(Outranger-O): Glad it wasn't just me. Well done sir.
@CameoZegan: Wow. Did someone piss in your cornflakes or what?
@rwald: Z is the ship from Flash Gordon.
@M1A1D: I was hoping for a blurry youtube video when I clicked on this link, so we'll probably be there together.
@Jesse Astle: Wonder no longer...
@hopskipper: Heart = Clicked.
@Blair Mitchelmore: The first sentence of this article, partified;
I'd pretty much dive into anything with Minnie Driver. Except for that toilet in Trainspotting. Ewwwww.
If you have five knuckles, Chuck, you best be gettin' to the doctor.
@PoG: Does she get a charge out of bein' weird?
@thexpert : casts lightning bolt!: No, you're right, it's Hayabusa. The name is misprinted here.