
A few things (I’m an attorney that dabbles in some defamation cases in the greater LA area). The complaint itself is pretty terribly written and seems to be written for the purposes of media consumption (the identifying of someone as a “then girlfriend” while going to great lengths to explain they were not in fact his

The problem with infringement is you have to be aware of it.

Wish there was a way to guest op these blog posts. There’s a lot to be mad about, but disparaging a study without actually reading or understanding it just creates confusion around academic inquiry for folks who don’t or can’t read scholarly articles and dissect the methodology and results... :-/

Leaving it as an indecipherable language with no translation “others” the characters you interact with. Had they wanted to present the existing cultures of Vinland as purely threatening and dangerous (and let’s face it, this is AC which means they would have been on the being stabbed by the stabby end of things), they


Thank you, that is really a great answer. I think I’ve never seen that explained with the concept of inclusive/exclusive label, but it’s really a great descriptor.

Black Nick Fury?

You sound like a bad copypasta. You can explain the appeal of an artist to someone who doesn't get it without being pretentious and lording your own taste over everyone who disagrees. Other people have already done so.

Stacey you coming off as real thirsty and real ambitious for someone that hasn’t won a statewide election yet. There are other more qualified candidates than her. Susan Rice, Val Demmings, Marcia Fudge and Kamala Harris. Hell Keisha Bottoms the mayor of Atlanta is more qualified than Abrams. I mean you didn’t want to

Eva is what broke me off of anime for a long time (never really gotten back into it tbh). “Stunning, emotional and horrific” is a perfect description but yeah, anyone with depressive tendencies should probably stay away, at least until this is over

Oh god, why would you recommend Evangelion when we are already all depressed and stressed? Are you trying to kill us all? I suppose, It All Returns To Nothing....

It’s a Japanese company! Everyone knows that disabled people don’t exist in Japan!

I’m of the same opinion but with the opposite conclusion.

You’re probably right that most companies would have done the same/similar, but the fact remains that only Blizzard actually did it, thus the hate. That, and a fair bit of opportunistic outrage from, well, lots of people, which turned up the volume a bit more than was probably warranted.

Blizzard handled the situation extremely poorly, the backlash is plenty fair

The thing is, this isn’t just about Activision, but corporate greed in general. Activision is forcing the company it bought to support an opresive regime and make sub-par games while exploiting it’s workers, because while those at Blizzard care about their fans, Activision surely doesn’t.

Its not that people want someone to blame. The reason people are upset is because this is a greater and more known impact by China. I have not heard of any gaming companies stifling freedom of speech for china at all.

I love it. Everyone sucks in this story, but in the most petty and futile ways. It’s perfect.

Sorry, rant ahead.