
So those Brazilian soccer players in the shower were providing DNA samples for testing?

No, they can’t. The law specifically says as much. Section 5000A(g)(2)(a) specifically forbids criminal prosecution if you don’t pay the penalty. Section 5000A(g)(2)(b)(i) specifically states, and I quote, “The Secretary shall not file notice of lien with respect to any property of a taxpayer by reason of any failure

Well, I know I feel safer here in this shining city on the hill, this beacon of freedom, this safe harbor for the wretched and yearning, this symbol that if you work hard you can achieve anything!

Gotta love the deliberate obtuseness of guys worried about “being accused of sexual assault.” This shit isn’t rocket science. It’s pretty easy to tell if someone is enthusiastic about having sex with you. They are active and participating as much as you do. They don’t just lay there like dead wood or try to push you

It really does go too far. Because only one of them is assured of health insurance in the event.

I disagree that his use of the term was misguided. If we’re working from this definition of concentration camp:

Wait, so have you gotten the sense yet if Andromeda respects the player’s time? Because my biggest hesitance with this game is if it plays like DA:I and sets you up in this big open world with:

Yep. I’ve played games where the majority of players spoke French, and my French is weak. But somehow I didn’t find myself typing “TU EST MERDE!” “JE BAIS TU MERE!” or the like into chat. Funny that. Almost as if being bad at a language had literally nothing to do with how verbally abusive you are.

Britney cannot buy that car. Not on her own.

It’s the 17% problem. If a crowd has 17% women, men believe the gender division is 50/50.

I clicked the star button 100 times, but it only gave you one star.

aaa NOOO, but i would go for Chicken Kiev now covered in jello

But the article made a statement about all men. Why, in your brain, is it a somehow invalid or pathetic response to criticise a blanket statement?

Airlines USED to struggle to break even. Now that they have all been cleared of their merger debt through bankruptcy, ransacked all the employee retirement accounts, slashed wages to 40% of where they were in the 1980’s, cut staffing, decreased competition through merger and hostile take over, started a secondary

I totally dig your analysis here.