
Sorry, but no eff’ing way. Their chart shows numerous data servers in Africa using this console. That’s utter and complete horseshit. It’s not that I don’t believe they can set up so many — I’m sure they can. It’s that most of Africa lacks the data infrastructure to handle the services they’re advertising and those

Probably at the point when lack of services for the elderly do not cause losing your ability to drive to become a virtual sentence to death or the hellscape that is nursing homes for a significant number of the elderly? I mean, if you want the elderly to submit to retesting for driving, maybe make it so that their

Obviously sofar I’ve only seen the clip you shared, but I would not say Epistory had less polished visuals. It was quite pretty, and the unfolding/papery world was a decision not an aesthetic failing imho.

Ys, tales and dragonquest have all been adapted to anime before(some multiple times). Xeno is almost impossible to make an anime because virtually every entry in the series has either jumped the shark or gotten so esoteric as to be incomprehensible.  As for chrono trigger, squaresoft has guarded the rights to that

We all fall out of practice in dead languages. No shame in that.

Don’t worry, Konami has been consolidating their strengths. This time you earn the outfits through pachinko.

This line of thinking stopped making sense the minute consoles went online. Granted, Nintendo’s online efforts have been behind those of the competition, but the option to allow for trading and battling has been available on consoles since the GameCube days and has been widespread since the Wii. 

There’s the part where the rumors were circulating six months ago:

No, by my use of the word “debacle” I personally think it was unintelligent. That said, I said “great company” not “perfect company.” I personally think it was a mistake. That said, I love that you have managed not to mention anything about how the folks of Paragon Studios literally took NCSoft’s money for City of

It’s hard to imagine a “great company” doing this.

My statement stands, smart ass (did I do that right?)

You do realize that compensation packages like that are largely a western (US) thing, right? This is well written about in Korea that executive compensation packages in any form, bonuses included, is rare and has been required to be publicly disclosed since 2013.

Actually, you guys are basically entirely wrong.

Not really. Settlement sounds like the most likely course of action and there’s absolutely no reason that Epic won’t simply fold a refund into their settlement terms.

Ys Book 1 and 2, on the TurboGrafx CD for that kickass music. That and Cosmic Fantasy also on TurboGrafx, for being the first rpg to my knowledge to feature self-sacrifice of the female lead (a macguffin in this case) in an unexpected twist.

Tales of Destiny's opening was a similar experience for me.

Yes, heaven forbid someone choose to end their life in public in a system that gives them no simple way to do it, while our poor public is forced to look away from shows depicting “bad guys” dying to a rain of gunfire by the hundreds. Won’t someone think of the children?

You forgot to begin that statement with “In my day” and the obligatory closing cane shake. We got it. Some old white guys did some good things. Not all old white guys. Got it.

What part of ‘go to the police’ do these folk not understand?

I mean... sure? That said, Beyonce also doesn’t claim to be a “singer” first, she’s a performer (meaning she dances and deals with the set design etc, etc.) And by god if Madonna can get the diva treatment for being a performer, Beyonce is at least her equal. Yeah, I said it.