
Yes we do! And to clarify, it wasn’t really one big penis so much as many tiny ones.

That lack of rhyme scheme is why I didn't bother with hit em up. Although the fact he jacked someone's beat to shit on them is HOF dis track worthy.

It feels like a small victory everytime Hyundai does something good. I don’t know why. They used to be so shitty and it actually amkes me happy that they are doing successful because more good cars in the market couldn’t hurt.

OMFG that was almost too perfect! I mean besides the fact that they got every hot girl in Eastern Europe, everything else just works for that vid. In a horrible cheesy cult way. Borat would make much proud!

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If you prefer your absurd street racing short films to go in a straight line with an easter European accent I recommend this gem.

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Here’s Overdrift: Stage 2 for those interested. :P

I want (optional) co-op SO F($%^@(*ING bad D:

Won’t lie, I was half expecting something like this:

when I worked at Lexus we had a customer come in complaining about an oil leak on his LS 460 when the model first came out. He had the same routine every morning he would pull out of his driveway. check see the cleanliness of his driveway, go to work come home, and by morning time there was a puddle of oil. management

I humbly submit... HOVERVAN!!!

And this here is why I've held off on buying next gen consoles. No longer will I be sucked into preordering or rushing to purchase an electronic shortly after release.