The Hose

...And yet I'm 21 and my insurance rates are ludicrous. Teenagers are bad drivers but most of the time they know they're doing something wrong. They are aware that the speed limit is 45 but they just don't give a shit. They know they're not supposed to street race, but again, they don't give a shit.

I've been drooling over cheap Triumph Spitfires for years. I constantly have to remind myself that there is a good reason they're cheap...

If he just got out of a burning BMW and ran over a motorcyclist I'm sure the dude is pretty freaked out. Some people can't handle that sort of thing happening.

Oh man. Heart click for you, pal!

"You hit the finish line, adrenaline soaking into your muscles, throat dry, eyes beginning to blur. You breathe heavier and heavier even though youve been sitting down the entire time. You look around, not caring where you finished."

Ha! Thank you sir!

Right? I know it may be a little sketchy to see multiple people go into a bathroom these days but is there actually an enforced law about this?

You know what is actually large enough for more than one person to exist with little to know thought?

After 9/11 happened one of our goals as a country was to move on with our lives and to reflect upon what happened. I think getting some nookie in a plane bathroom on the 10th anniversary says "fuck you terrorists. You flew a plane into a building 10 years ago but I'm flying my dong into my girlfriend today".

Say what you want about the styling (it's fucking hideous), but 6k is a pretty decent price.

I remember going to the N.Y. auto show in '02 and they had this truck set up at the Chevy area. It was actually very emotional moment for me. Seeing the melted plastic bits gave a sense of both awe a shock. I was with my brother who has been a firefighter for a little over 20 years now. I think we both teared up and

Italian asshat? Culocapello?

I never, ever, ever want to be that dedicated to a product. Ever!


I read that as "why-Ray". Probably what any car says when Wert approaches it from behind.

WHAT?! My whole life is a lie! I've been using jerry-rigged for years!

I've never even thought about the difference between station and terminal. I just learned something from a complete stranger on the internet!

No lie, I literally just got back from a car fire! Irony?

Reason #148 why I love my job. Telling stories about how epic a call was and how close you were to shitting your pants.

And now there is one of Oklahoma City's finest sporting a brown uniform. Or at least brown trousers...