Wow a statistic for 2021 shows a wild variation from the year before it, but for *some* reason not the year before that. Did ...something happen in 2020 that maybe could have affected people’s routines?
Wow a statistic for 2021 shows a wild variation from the year before it, but for *some* reason not the year before that. Did ...something happen in 2020 that maybe could have affected people’s routines?
Where there are Casey’s there is a lot of drinking.
As a supply chain manager for over 10 years I have to add...nothing’re both on the money I think. The only thing forcing us back to the USA is freight costs.
We have ourselves to blame for situations like this. We spent years pretending China was anything other than an authoritarian regime that brutally cracks down on dissent and commits genocide against its own people because for years it was super easy to go there and make shit tons of money. Companies from around the…
As a Wisconsinite, I will always cheer for Culver’s. But I was blown away when the Doughboys podcast came out and said they’d replace every In N Out with a Culver’s if they could.
Walleye, when in season.
Yeah, I’m tired of all the In-n-Out BS, Culver’s is the real deal. Pro tip: Go in season and get their walleye sandwich. You’ll never go to McD’s again.
Culvers is the Anti-Taco Bell - it’s actually GOOD, and you won’t have the regrets (bowel and brain) after eating it. Culvers is one of the truly great things about the midwest...frankly one of the very few great things actually...
Culvers is great. They have a good variety of options; none of which have ever been bad in my experience.
They have the best fish sandwich (or fried fish dinner) of any fast food place.
I don’t understand why they haven’t made black licorice candy corn. I want chaos.
i see what you did there...
Which is arguably easier than a non stick pan. At worst, it’s a wash.
Never bake anything in a toaster oven. It doesn’t really work.
The down side, is then you have a bunch of ramekins to clean.
You’ve got a raging hard on for shit posting about Taco Bell at every given opportunity. Do you need a doll to show us where the Taco Bell inappropriately touched you?
Quite the opposite for me. Saurkraut pierogi are the best!
The really good kielbasa is fresh, not smoked. Served with horseradish.
Agree with the ‘sounds great’, and I’l have whatever sauerkraut you don’t want.
Stout. Float. Any kind of stout. Coffee stout? Float. Chocolate stout? Float. Milk stout? Float.