
I’d imagine that yes, that’s likely

i don’t really get what you’re saying. Do you think I’m being disingenuous in order to start a thread?

lol uh... What does that mean?

I wasn’t commenting on anything besides my own personal experience.

ummm... Never

No. But I live in Fairfax VA, which has a relatively high indian population compared to the rest of the US

I grew up in Fairfax VA (where a TON of Indian people live). Perhaps the personality types that move their are different, considering how upper middle/upper class the area is.

Ripley is my all time fav

There is such a huge discrepancy between how awesome all of the indian men I actually know are, and how shitty the indian men I read about are.

I wrote one comment. My opinion was based on what a professor told me. I’ve since conducted actual research and have amended my position drastically. A lot of time?

To clarify my last, in retrospect stupid, comment... I’ve done zero research on the subject of overpopulation. I was quoting a professor, and the negative comments i’ve recieved have prompted me to consult the oracle (google) and amend my position. I love reproductive freedom, always have!

Please cite the unsustainable population decrease. I’d like to read up on it.

“it’s hard to get a clear theory about why unmarried women in China can legally adopt but not give birth on their own.”


Ha! Thanks :)

Does that mean that all of the people who illegally killed themselves will finally be released from prison?

Does anyone with better service have a Rainbow Randolph from Death To Smoochy GIF?? “It’s a cock! A one eyed wonder weasel! A rumpleforeskin!!”

I’m just glad that kids still give a fuck about rock and roll

What does “forgiveness” even fucking mean?

When did American Conservatism go from being this somewhat reasonable viewpoint that I just happened to not agree with to being this vile absolutely fucking insane cult that celebrates ignorance and vitriolic hatred?