“The grays”. How did that elitism work out for us this November? When are we gonna stop being dismissive of people that share a different viewpoint, even if we don’t like how it’s presented to us?
“The grays”. How did that elitism work out for us this November? When are we gonna stop being dismissive of people that share a different viewpoint, even if we don’t like how it’s presented to us?
“In today’s edition of measure twice, cut once...”
lol putting “Luke Cage” on this list. Amazing what unneeded guilt will lead a person to do.
Great game, largely ignored and/or shat on due to its XB1 exclusivity. Shit, even Eurogamer couldn’t work up the muster to give it a “Recommended” when it was released. So weird.
They’re not reading your post. Nice effort though...?
That’ll win people over.
Ummmm...this might be the least significant story ever posted to this site, which automatically qualifies it as one of the least significant stories ever posted to the internet.
Only white privileged people stay stupid things like “white privileged male”. Just so you know.
“Oh, well NOW I want to play the game” - No one
That’s a lot of words for “2.5 out of 5".
Correct, and the guy knew that to begin with: Willful fucking ignorance is SOP with millennials.
How about every single fucking prerendered E3 trailer pretending to be reflective of the final product? 20 years and you guys STILL let them get away with that bullshit.
Truly the most important story of the day. The rest of us will continue to watch the world burn.
And yet I was able to post my comment. But hey thanks anyway Chachi.
Unsolicited advice is the best kind of advice.
Articles like this will surely help heal the wounds of this country.
You guys have taken NOTHING from this travesty, sadly.
Let’s hope it doesn’t drop the ball in the 3rd act like The Fifth Element did.
What the fuck do you want us to do? Cry like a bunch of babies or act like adults?
Your attitude is what helped got him elected: When adults act like children we ALL lose.
Ed Norton, obviously.
Set the controls.