
No, fuck that. If this woman was this desperate/emotionally distressed/mentally ill to jam a coat hanger up her vagina, the alternative would have probably been suicide. I don’t think you people blaming her and going all “aww, but the innocent baby!” understand the desperation of being pregnant against your will. She

What about fertility clinic disposals? Surely they fall under scrutiny for medical waste disposal?

It takes some fucking balls to bury the news that your “investigation” turned up absolutely nothing illegal by somehow accusing Planned Parenthood of breaking the law because allegedly a third party medical waste disposal company is not disposing of medical waste properly.

On a side note, this is exactly why abortion needs to be legal. Women used to die from child birth all the time and people are forgetting that. It’s a major medical event. I hate when people make flippant remarks about “why can’t the woman just stick it out for nine months and let the baby be born?” Because its not

The reason to do this is that she didn’t want to be pregnant anymore. She didn’t want to wait three months, and she shouldn’t have to. The “innocent little baby’s” right to be carried to term doesn’t override the mother’s right to bodily autonomy.

i’m infinity percent pro choice, but once the fetus is out and if it is alive, then yeah, they should treat the baby like any other premature baby—now some parents can choose for a very ill/injured/etc baby to receive only palliative care after birth, but for whatever reason, the baby was deemed able to survive out of

It’s terrifying. We all need to support organizations providing access to abortion services.

I know this raises huuuuge ethical considerations, and would be an interesting debate if it hadn’t happened horrifically in the real world, but WHY would they resuscitate the foetus?

I do (legit) humanitarian aid work* and I hate people like this. I absolutely hate them. Uneducated, unreasonable, racist, classist... the list goes on.

You left out the part where the Dillards mentioned how the native Salvadoreans were fascinated by the blue eyed white baby. Apparently Jim Bob’s umbrella of protection kept out cultural sensitivity.

Hells yes I will be watching this. If you are psyched for this and loved The Jinx and Serial then you should track down the documentary The Staircase. It is such a fascinating look at how the “justice” system does and does not work, especially for the wealthy.

The people who have been supportive and volunteers working hard to make sure these people have places to stay, clothes to wear, and beds to sleep in once they get here has been astounding. There were people waiting at the airport and cheering as refugees left the plane, holding signs and giving hugs. It’s a nice

The NYT fb feed read, ‘You are home.’ and I choked up.

I am seriously researching and contemplating a move to Canada. If there are any American’s that have made the move that could provide insight on the largest differences and hurdles, I’d be interested in hear them.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was photographed on Thursday greeting 163 Syrian refugees who had recently