
Ronan is back??!!! Didnt he have a whole goodbye show and everything? This sinatra thing is getting him far, man!

Ditto! Thank you for your service.

Certainly there is cultural adjustment there and it can be quite a big one. Maybe they will get there, I certainly hope so. I’ve never heard that Richard Pryor anecdote, very interesting. I specially understand the Patrice O’Neal quote, even though I must admit I have never heard the name before. I came to America as

This is spot on.

A while back MTV (I know but wait....) aired a program called White People. It was surprisingly insightful. (I wish the name of program were different but MTV, I guess) One of the scenes showed a young guy teaching a kind of seminar on white privilege. In the presentation he had a list of privileges to “check off” to

AH! So thats why the voice!! Its the smokes! Her whole schtick is annoying but the voice, ugh I just can’t. tell us mooooooore......

Well that’s no shocker there!!! Apologies to Neil & Marvin..

Was it Neil or Marvin who fucked up the all photos for the blessed event that was the Jeb/Culumba wedding? He left the lens cap on the camera or something? Ok, I AM making that up but you get me.....

Criminally indeed. These are seriously giving me the feels... They really illustrate the magnitude of how by just being he has changed history. Yes, sir that is black man, holding the highest office in the land, the world.... An entire group of peole who never before had; saw themselves in the white house. I did. Oh

Why are we finding out about his medical diagnosis. Seriously Kris??!!! WTF this why this poor kid cant starting working his way out of his depression. The whole world does not need to be privy to his personal business, as reported (called in by Kris) to TMZ.

Fuck me. This is beyond fuck-boyorie (sp?) For the new year I hope your friend is able to untagle herself from this douchelord.

assault-genic!!! Holly hell stop it now! you are A+ Awesome.

Dying here! Thank you, I needed a good laugh this morning!!!

Why “flee” to Mexico and then Puerto Vallarta of all cities?? Come on guys its so obvious! I mean I get it, it’s close and all but what the hell man, there gonna catch you in Mexico. I’d go to Luxembourg or something..... Affluenza does not buy you the “smarts”, I see.....

This. OMG grown people and their very special birthdays every year!!! Ugghh... Had a friend once that did this and it got on my last fucking nerve. Wore a tiara day off and the whole bit, (we were in our late 20’s then) I can finally enjoy my Presidents Day weekend now, tx!!!

I just had one for my birthday !!!! We had freaking blast tearing that thing up, the pictures still bring a smile to my face. We had it at a park that does not have the most *diverse* of visitors seeing them clutch their pearls.... well, best.birthday.ever.

oh shit!! this is just .... well, done. well done.

Much needed Christmas pick me up !!! With all this Donald Trump, terrorist threats, constant Duggar coverage and ALL the news that’s been making me a super cranky elf these days, this made me all...... yay!!!!

You’re dad sounds like a wonderful man! You’re right there it will take everyone men included to teach this is not a foreign concept.Respect everyone, treat everyone equally. Period and done.

Bam!! perfect. Laughing so hard at my desk like the weidoI am.