I hope this doesn’t come off as confrontational or bad faith, but you mention the negative portrayal of the character’s mental illness as being an issue. What would you want to see in a positive portrayal? Is that just someone who’s diagnosed and getting treatment? Simply living with it? Something else?
Hoo boy. You’re way off the deep end.
It just means her greed’s stronger than shame.
Even if you remove the word “break” from my response and just use the word “train”, your OP still suggests putting collars on people and yanking them for getting “horny”.
Even if this is just a metaphor, it’s a dark and angry one. It suggests a lack of understanding towards other human beings in the same way so many…
Agree with the view on breastfeeding.
Annoyed by the level of anger and suggestion of treating people like animals that need to be broken and trained. Fuck this way of seeing the world.
Ad after reading the replies you got, I'd add a terminal lack of self awareness to the list of things they have in common.
“You mean one side spewing misogynist, racist, absolute shit-tier takes and the other side playing right into their hands, giving these shitheads all the validation they need by reacting to it like scandalized little activists?” FTFY
He was let go because he’s the only guy in Iowa with a personality
Yeah my grandfather lived to be about 55 after smoking his entire life, and he developed nasty lung cancer which also turned into brain and stomach cancer. 38 might be a stretch.
That guy is exactly how I imagined a guy who would do this kind of thing looks like.
I look forward to naming my first child Dogpile.
I wish you would have included in your article the multiple tweets from Fergusson clarifying that they are absolutely, categorically, definitively NOT “taking smoking out of Gears 5" because it was never in there to begin with.
Time in prison sounds awful and paying a 95k fine is drastic. I get why folks would ask why do time for a non violent crime, but this is also something you want to stop groups and organizations from doing. After all a ddos spam on competitors might be worth the fine in a specific situation or maybe you are a bored…
It is relevant. You’re saying the culture of the fgc is toxic. I’m saying that it isn’t. I’m talking about the way that people in the fgc interact and why (because offline play is crucial for most). Then my rhetoric was that it’s better than other communities at the very least. I’ve also listed objective examples that…
You saw one situation happen one time and that paints the whole community? I can’t say anything about the misogyny and how that happens but objectively the fgc is the easily the most diverse out of all gaming communities. Objectively it has the most trans players and women players and people of color at a pro level…
Was about to bring that up china town fair used to have people of all walks,Races and orientation and they all popped off equally in there.
That’s the thing, it’s not on a couple levels. One, the players, iirc, are not sponsored, meaning they’re basically just skilled enthusiasts. Two, the fighting game community has long distanced themselves from the umbrella of “e-sports” because it desperately doesn’t want to be the milquetoast, golf clap, boringness…
Ah, I miss the ‘ol Hat Simulator.
Are you seriously trying to argue Zelda based on story? What’s the story of Zelda 1? Now what’s the story of Link to the Past? It may as well be a remake. The point is that the original Zelda was a great idea but severely limited by the technology of its time. As was FFVII.