I got Viper vibes initially.
I got Viper vibes initially.
Not a good analogy. Uber is a tech company developing new tech. Questions should be asked but this article saying Uber has no business here is stupid.
Fuck this constant anti-Uber rhetoric. Usually I don’t bother to comment but this is quite ridiculous. Yes, someone died. That is unfortunate, and steps should be taken to prevent that but this is progress in the real world. You make it seem like that never happens in other industries: aerospace, rail, construction...…
Thanks Andrew. Your last paragraph sums it up perfectly. This is something we all need to be reminded of from time to time.
These are killer bees, not honey bees. A man-made invasive species. Get off your high horse.
Yeah they weren’t honey bees you fuckstick. They were the type of bees helping to displace honey bees.
I know you’re frustrated, and this was just blowing off some steam. But seriously, get out of the business. You’re making the rest of us look bad, and you’re obviously not making it anyway.
You definitely sound like someone I want to buy a car from. And by “buy a car from” I mean “punch in the nuts”.
What does it benefit a dealer to send an itemized quote via email?
When they’re dead they’re just hookers
Every now and then I think of driving a motorcycle, and then I read things like “I almost died because I was leaning slightly too far back when I accelerated”
I know he said it wasn’t a wheelie, but... it was a wheelie. Don’t do wheelies at highway speeds and you shouldn’t have to worry about a tank slapper like this. Don’t be your own idiot when there are plenty of idiots around you to worry about.
Theres no money in looking straight ahead. Everything is looking out to the sides for the upcoming corner.
As the resident Jalopnik Bond fan, I’d just like to clarify that Daniel Craig has recently confirmed he is returning for his fifth outing as James Bond in 2019, and he said he made that comment two days after finishing Spectre and was exhausted, and that it was stupid. Plus he’s probably making a shit ton of money.
Failure to use an indicator light. I mean, I’m just assuming.
I also believe we need gun control, and do believe it will prevent many of these from happening again, but she should be taken to task a little for this:
The center screen will be downgraded to an iPad mini secured with duct tape.
Please explain why women can’t be grid girls and be in engineering or competition roles?
A polished turd is still a turd.