
Religion was also invented to control the masses. Who was it who said that religion is what kept the poor from murdering the rich? And religion has kept women in line as chattel and property. (Women held sacred, my foot.) It’s time for organized religion to go bye-bye.

When were women held sacred? When a man beating his wife was ignored by police as a family matter? When a rape victim was blamed for her assault and rarely got justice? When women who faced harassment were told to laugh it off and just deal?

Yeah. Women were so sacred that spousal rape wasn’t a crime and domestic violence was a “private matter.” Get bent. Fuck anyone who would call this man “the adult in the room”.


Women have never been sacred. We were just too scared to tell the truth about what violent pieces of shit men are.

Hey, when he took the job he knew what he was getting into.

Yeah, sacred, when fathers and uncles and coaches and priests could ruin a girl’s life without any fear of reprisal

There has never been a time in post-colonized American history that women were sacred. They still aren’t—marked for damange, death, or discrediting by KELLY’S OWN PARTY at every turn...and siccing the Trumpdogs on this poor woman could complete the triumvirate (Kelly took care of the discrediting himself).

Fuck these

Women were sacred, looked upon with great honor.

So sacred they couldn’t even have their own credit.

“Women were sacred”

Wow. John Kelly and Aaron Sorkin actually have something in common, yet they’re both very wrong in the same way!

Pffffft women are “sacred” in the same way Trump “cherishes” women.

Ah yes...the days of yore when women, sacred beings of honor, lay in pools of blood in hotel rooms, dying of botched abortions.

“Sacred” is just another word for property. Hard pass!

If there are two things that Donald Trump has shown repeatedly that he has nothing but the highest reverence for, it’s sacrifice in the service of your country and women.

Oh yes, John Kelly, women didn’t have to deal with any bullshit from men when you grew up during the... 1950s and 1960s.

“Women were sacred.”

He’s been a piece of shit from Day 1.

“You know when I was a kid growing up a lot of things were sacred in our country. Women were sacred, looked upon with great honor. That’s obviously not the case anymore as we’ve seen from recent cases. Life was sacred. That’s gone. Religion. That seems to be gone as well. Gold Star families, I think that left in