Ahmad Mahn

I wasn’t talking about sales. I was talking about the nickname Xbone. 

It was short lived.

It is to a very small population of Reddit who think everyone lives and dies by what they say on a message board. 

That was some intense facial capture.

Must be related to Jill.

That Link makes me think Nintendo should remake the original Final Fantasy Tactics and have a new side quest where you are able to recruit Link.

Shezez of Boundary Break also did a GREAT DK retrospective video as well! Had the revelation that DK’s revised eyes were nicked from the Battle Toads!

His twelve gauge shot gun
Can fire a spread
If he shoots ya, you’ll soon be dead

Dead to rights


I LOVE “Walk Like and Egyptian”!

So you MUST be talking about this part:

Laughed? I actually bought that.

Remember how Nintendo sold a higher capacity battery for the Wii U game pad that you could install yourself? Oh, how we laughed then...

As a lauch switch owner I thank you for defending our little machines that try.

But doctor, I AM the asshole!