Ahmad Mahn

So instead of explaining yourself like a decent person, you start with a stiff "fuck off"?

Do they taste the same as the U.S. version?

People can be stupid, it's sadly that simple.

Or a person that understands right from wrong.

If only that kid wasn't looking for trouble while high on the depleted uranium he'd stolen, he'd still be alive.

Nice use of the buzz word "race baiting".

I forgot that the Kotaku community is a bastion of harmony and understanding, thank you for the reminder.

Is there another Kotaku thread where I've mentioned it?

Right, I forgot nothing game-related is ever discussed here.

I'm near Savannah and they're in every Kroger, Wal Mart and Dollar Tree you could care to visit.

Thank you for a helpful response.

Come again?

I'm talking about the product line...

In light of the upsetting Zimmerman verdict, this is a nice piece of news to read. Is the entire line coming back? I loved the orange cupcakes most of all and look forward to post-midnight gas station runs for them.

So a good act drowns an evil one?

And God help him if he were black.

This isn't going to go anywhere, but what kind of footwear is appropriate for adult men to wear?

Also, I'm not sure I'm understand what you're getting at as far as posting here vs Gawker.

I understand the difference quite well, but wasn't this about shoes?

I think a lot of the allegations are from within the last 10 years, so there's that.