
It's basically a quintessential 80s action movie. Cheesy good times. With Mafias, Yakuzas & Ninjas! Uzi! M60!

I've always loved the suphero genre but even as a kid I could not suspend belief enough to accept Ant Man, Wasp, or Yellow Jacket as a serious threat to ruthless superbads. One good shot with a stick and they're done.

In an article on Screenrant Tom Hodges, concept artist who has worked on Star Wars and supposedly seen the helmet, drew a sketch that looks similar to the second photo. It was symmetric. Of course, it could have been a different class of stormtrooper, but it follows the aesthetic.

I like these new designs.



For the love of God; please be nothing to do with real estate.

How did our police become autonomous little armies?

I don't know if this will make it out of the greys but there are great photos of what's going on here.

Ughh... Pictures and Gif are atleast 72% of how I comminucate.

Anyone ever cast in a comic book movie, except Ryan Reynolds.

As the President of the More Frank Grillo in Movies Club, I must protest. The villain needs to be Crossbones. Established in universe, a complete bad ass and not a giant floating head with baby limbs.

Unfortunately, this is the internet, where the more anonymity someone has, the less likely they are to have a civil conversation. Burner accounts and throwaway twitter accounts certainly do foster discussion, but not necessarily the kind of civil and constructive discussion your users and authors are interested in.