
Megyn was incredulous, but still trying trying to fix his comments for him.

Calling the new White House nickname now, Animal House.

They will find out very quickly (1st week of Feb) that the role does not quite have the direct power they think it does.

They can be mad at the previous establishment, Fox News, GOP folks that don’t agree with them and then they can get back to the business of trolling the Left.

I saw a guy on Twitter who was super excited about Bannon and was hoping to see Alex Jones in the press core.

That was one of the best episodes too.

Seriously, close the comments now and turn Kinja off for the night.

The Avengers Theme is the only one that stands out. The X-Men films did a little better and no one is beating Zimmer’s Batman scores.

“The world would be a better place if we could use constructive language to communicate issues to each other instead of attacking people who clearly intend to be allies.”


People are going to be blown away by this series. It really is a grown up Transformers series, with it’s roots in the original series while being updated for a modern audience.

A couple of good cities to mine for Bear in pool stories are Pasadena, CA, Monrovia, CA and Duarte, CA. The Bears come out to the pools on an annual basis in those towns.

I’m not a Judge, but I play one on the internet. No grounds for mistrial, case dismissed. Bailiff, send him straight to shank island.

Y’all are doing it wrong.

This list became invalid the second you typed “Delirious”.

If this were jalopnik we would be having a discussion about the awesome BMW in the video.

This is not unique. This happens in Los Angeles at least once or twice a year, of not more. Since the local L.A. TV stations will cut in to ANY programming to cut to a car chase, and L.A. has an abundance of traffic helicopters (because, traffic) the people on the chases can be fairly confident that they are on TV.

Can they make this instead?