This takes me back to my 20's... Thanks for this.
This takes me back to my 20's... Thanks for this.
They are using the conflict panel casting method to ensure that lots of yelling a thoughtful discussion occurs.
He's a bar band dude, so cover's are kind of in his dna.
Uptown Funk is the soundtrack to a Funk cage match with The Time, Zapp, Bell & James, Prince, The Gap Band, and even more artists that I could think to name. Stylistically though, it's all The Time.
Saw that show live, it was a really uncomfortable bit, but the rest of the show was really funny.
That was worse than when he kicked Jim Cramer in the dick.
Instead of copying the sales failure that was the Volkswagen Phaeton, Hyundai and Kia should have gotten together and copied Lexus and made Genesis its own brand to take their cars upmarket.
I am going with Todd as Hood on this one.
Someone had to.
That's some io9 sci-fi shit right there.
I had no idea about Cher.
It's adorably stupid.
Filing a false police report is more likely, but maybe make it a federal crime so that the punishment is consistent across the states and have a mandatory 2 to 3 year minimum.
no, no, no, no...
The oldest son and wife are super flat, bordering on walking, talking plot devices.
She's the best part of the show.
A lot of sexually/romantically inexperienced people seem to really identify with the experience of the lead character as well as being inspired to 'spice it up at home'.