
My husband and I kept saving up for years to put 20% down on a house. Every additional thousand dollars in our savings coincided with several thousand dollars more that we would need due to rising house prices. One year, we got a sudden $50k windfall and just went for it, despite still being a ways away from 20%. The

Of course your satiric point is well-taken and 100% correct, but on a slightly more serious note I much prefer real demonstrations to just vaporware announcements. Seems we get someone announcing a new battery technology every 3 days. Of course 600 mi range is unnecessary but maybe that means 300 mile range in 1/2 the

Because prices will not change, and the manufacturers will pocket the 7K extra on every EV sold.

The article says longest “female” tenure. You know...

Are you saying video calls are irrelevant, unnecessary, not helpful?

The mountain of evidence demonstrated that Heard is a narcissistic, sociopathic, serial abuser who exploited her position of privilege and her clearly-troubled (ex)spouse for personal gain.

Musk not giving people credit for anything he shows off is exactly the reason why his army of Weird Nerds think that he singlehandedly invented Rockets, Space Travel, Electric Cars, and the entire concept of Engineering.

I’d put it at closer to 4-5 orders of magnitude greater....like approaching $1 trillion. They want to send some probe beyond Mars, blow up an asteroid, figure out what all is valuable (if anything), somehow net it after the explosion, and haul it all the way back to Earth, and land it while carrying a bunch of rocks

On the contrary: I believe F1 would be better without Monaco.

Battery EVs are just so, so dumb. It’s not far from being a scam to fleece well-meaning but weak-minded people. If we want to reduce CO2 emissions from cars, a much better way to do this is to focus on scaling the production of carbon-neutral synthetic gasoline replacements. This technology already exists (and Porsche

This doesn’t seem much different then any other bajillion companies that slap rainbows or pink ribbons on their products every year.

Robert Sheehan is right up there with Tatiana Maslany (who, finally, is getting some major exposure) on the top of my “this person should be a worldwide superstar” list. Ever since Misfits I’ve been hoping he’d break out in the U.S.

I’m going to be that guy and point out that pulling the nose up too fast won’t cause the engine to stall, it will cause the aircraft to stall (i.e., lose lift).

CTR, the superior kart racer :P

How much difference is there really between a new game and 48 new tracks? It’s not like there’s a story mode or anything. Besides, we don’t get more than one Mario Kart game on a given machine.

No the two groups of assholes are the dipshit fascists in the convoy and the dumbasses who think morality is to pretend like both sides are the same. Oh wow you ran over a thing once and that means that people actually putting themselves at risk to disrupt these bigots are equally bad? Please for the love of god put

In addition, unless they have a way to redistribute mass, the whole concoction will be out of balance literally all the time. With the weight of several attached spacecraft to be accounted for, that’s a lot of redistribution.

Yes, you are fully correct. I was trying to explain in simple terms, using a little “f” force, rather than the Newtonian F Force, and I tripped and fell into lazy language. Thank you.

Yes. Earth’s spin actually attenuates its gravity by about 0.35%, so also yes (the process that would act on us in the hypothetical sudden cessation of rotation would be inertia due to motion, not the absence of gravity). Yes, again, the orbit of the planet spread out the forces of gravity along an elliptical plane,

The effects of gravity on the human body are just acceleration. Do a large enough rotating radius for your artificial gravity, and it would be indistinguishable from the sensation of Earth gravity.