
The number of retired aircraft around the world is set to sore (I’m so sorry) to over 20,000 planes by the end of the decade.

What is worse than a product that can burst into flame?

Which is why I said “value add” and “successful,” and not the word “good.

the insurers exposure is going to go up

I think they’re trying to make the argument that more insurance coverage would require more training... when we already have a trucker shortage...

Sure. It saves a measurable amount of fuel.

HALT testing.

Giz should hire authors above the age of 18 that actually live in the real world before putting out crap like this.

It’s the same. This is a big fucking nothing article because people are so afraid of Amazon, and being a successful company is “bad”.


And EV was flat until COVID hit.

neither of us drive crazy or have any real infractions, so why should I pay more for insurance just because some cars are speed capped and ours aren’t?

And you’d be fucking wrong.

I posted the same thing a month or so back and someone who claimed to be an undercover cop called me wrong....

The problem with this solution is it only affect new cars.

Need to regulate them out of existence or live with the consequences.

What if we, stick with me here, just pay attention to our driving and stop hitting people?

More bad employees doesn’t equal higher quality.

I couldn’t give two shits about Tesla.

BuT cOrPorAtIonS dOn’T cArE aBouT EmpLoYEes?!?!”