
I know this doesn’t exactly apply to this story, but it’s been gnawing at me all weekend. I went to a friends house for an early fourth party and got roped into a political conversation with a conservative couple (friend of a friend type). It, of course, turned ugly very quickly. I wanted their honest thoughts on how


Chambers’s interview reads as a salient and too often unspoken critique of the way capitalism has poisoned the fashion industry

I tried Truly and liked it, but in my opinion, a better, cheaper option is making a gin (or vodka if that’s your jam) and sparkling water. I use flavored LaCroix and a splash or lemon or lime juice, and it’s super tasty and refreshing. You don’t even need sweetener, but for funsies I sometimes muddle in a stevia

So, this happened overnight in my neighborhood.

Even Trump can’t dampen my love for this holiday. We celebrate for days here in Philly. Parades, re-enactments and fireworks! But my favorite fore-father has always been Ben Franklin. Amazing person. Not a faithful husband mind you but no one is perfect. He actually stopped making patents on his inventions at one

Everyone in my newsfeed has spent the day lamenting the death of America. It really puts a damper on day drinking rosé to the Hamilton soundtrack.

My mom plucked my eyebrows for me when I was 13 or 14. She didn’t really ask me if it was something I wanted (hadn’t even crossed my mind), just said I had to start doing it. She overdid it and made them way too thin and I’m still working on trying to grow them back into the natural shape they were in when I was

My thought upon reading this: Jezebel can no longer claim to be a feminist site. Not because questions about body alteration aren’t things to be discussed, but rather because this is such a shallow examination. I stopped reading after awhile.

Bacteria is bacteria. It does not conform to your personality.

Actually, everyone is not different when it comes to body odor.

I’m loving all of these women harshing on other women for their decisions. Man we’re such a well oiled, cohesive unit aren’t we? *so much sarcasm all over this post* oh and FYI I get fillers, I buy makeup by the ton, I collect high heels and every day I walk out of my house I feel like an amazon. I also lift extremely

I’m glad some other peeps are talking about the COMPLETE lack of appearance freedom you have when you are not a freelance writer. If you work at typically most American corporate jobs,etc., are married, occupy any group social activities involving religious groups, etc. you better toe the appearance line. Or you will

That’s so terrible.

Nothing about plucking eyebrows? My mother cornered me and forced me to pluck my eyebrows when I was 16. It took 20 years to work up the courage to stop doing it. (There was no way she could pressure me into shaving my legs - I tried it a couple of times and could not cope with the loss of sensation, so that was it

I love this series! I see my gorgeous boyfriend look in the mirror and zero in on wrinkles and his hairline instead of his muscular arms, 6-pack and blue eyes and dimples and realized that we ALL do that and it infuriates me. We waste our time worrying so much about what we look like. I started a new thing where when

Kris Kardashian to every daughter - “Too much? Never. Think of body modifications like Instagram followers and tv ratings. The more you get, the greater my income, err I mean ego, err I mean the merrier.”

I started *not* shaving my legs because even very young I wanted to shave practically everything—and I just wanted to try and deal with my culturally induced dislike of hair. Part of me would love a nose job, a tummy tuck, etc., but I think I would benefit from challenging those desires rather than acting on them. It

I just see bodies as containers. Whatever it takes to have a container that pleases you and helps you attain your dreams is up to you. That being said, if you start on an extreme makeover you should have a clear idea of how you want to end up looking. Serena Williams or Dita von Teese are the result of having a goal