
This is the first young pregnancy in the family. I wouldn’t say they have babies young. Kim and Khloe had theirs older than average, Kourtney at an average age.

Babies in little outfits that’ve got animal ears on the hood are one of my favorite things. So CUTE.

Latinx here.

Can’t wait for her upcoming K-Pop phase.

I guess is a woman with not a tiny waist.

A guy from work is beloved by everyone. He’s sweet, he helps out with other peoples’ duties, he remembers birthdays, and he’s always professional.

Also, of course barf lands on the floor and not the newspaper.

She ages in Scaramuccis

(Perhaps “Colostomy Bag?”)

They’re all made up, of course, because those fucks never even bother saying you can’t fucking have a criminal record and be eligible for DACA.

Make up your mind, Florida. Are we firing our loads or what?

I don’t think it was bad from a sound perspective. If it was a different song that interpretation may have worked. Fergie forgot the first rule of singing the anthem. Ask yourself, are you Jimmi Hendrix? Are you the the reincarnation of Jimmi Hendix? If the answer to the first question is no, DO NOT stylize. If your

Valid points...but don’t they usually do rehearsals for this kind of thing? Didn’t she at least have one friend that was like “girl...”

Or women will get abortions anyway

“I’m trying to be clear and honest here, someone who has decided to commit this crime, they will find a way to get the gun to do it.”

Isn’t it weird that the GOP’s ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ stance toward gun control doesn’t seem to work with anything else?

God, every fucking time, it is this stupid argument. Why have ANY LAWS AT ALL? People are just gonna break them.

This is the really frustrating part. Do you know that you don’t have to disclose on a gun application that you have a temporary restraining order against you, or that you were just released from a 72-hour mental health hold? The only safeguard we have is basically the honor system, and even that is toothless.

If Dems are actually serious about DACA, they should support the Grassley bill!

It is all about keeping them from voting. Status quo keeps the voter rolls more republican.