looks pretty normal for a Ferrari to me.
looks pretty normal for a Ferrari to me.
this guy is good stuff.
oh good.
who makes the Rancor?
these days, it just seems like politicians, and company heads are just mob bosses that dont need to resort to violence (as often). complete disregard for anything but the money.
wow, these guys look like professionals.
dont care, moving on.
so let me get this straight.
looks like
it looks better than the last thing he put his name on.
when will i be able to afford one?
id like to vote not-good.
id hit it.
this is easier than you think.
i cant speak for the millennials,
ok sure, lets all put stock in anything trump says.
ill just leave this here, and back away
husein bolt? isnt that the terrorist guy?
i see no issue with his point of view.
is that the framerate making the wheel look still, or do i detect an open dif?