
I'm not trolling, you made the post about mobile Flash and RIM. I corrected it. In the end, your point still stood, it was just worded incorrectly.

Thank you! I can use Flash for the most part juuuuust fine on my Android tablet, and it's a dual-core, same specs as the iPad 2 (1GB of RAM vs. 512MB though). I mean, when the first iPhone came out, the performance myth might have had some legitimacy, but it sure as hell doesn't now. Apple needs to get over their

Who CARES about Mobile Flash?? In case you didn't realize, Android uses FULL Flash. Yeah, the desktop stuff. So, the end of Mobile Flash is hardly an issue. Let RIM keep it.

It's not even about processing power. That's not an issue. The issue is productivity, and that's where tablets, in their current form, fail.

Yeah, that was the point of his comment. Way to take the obvious and, well, make it even more obvious.

Actually, you need a lot more than just a good keyboard. I detailed the reasons why in my response to MacnairCorinthus above. I'm speaking from experience, not just conjecture.

That's an interesting #. Care to provide your source? By your logic, we never needed to progress beyond the 1GHz barrier, because most people just use PCs for basic Internet browsing and Office programs, and those worked just fine before that.

Nice ignorant statement there. I guess I should go through the hassle and cost of trying to by an adapter for my portable hard drives and configure them over the company's already sluggish WiFi network, rather than ask for the so-ubiquitous-it's-in-most-cars USB compatibility. Yeah, no, I think you're on to something

Pretty good list.

This is actually false. There are a number of good, even great, apps that do MS Office. The problem that no one thinks of (speaking from experience here) is that actually trying to type up a document of any length on a tablet, even with a good Bluetooth keyboard, is a pain in the ass that takes on average, 3-4 times

Yeah, that's so weird, seeing as AT&T, TI, NASA, Dell, ID Software, Conoco, Mobil, Valero, Whole Foods, Radio Shack, and a whole bunch of other Fortune 500 companies from food and ag to energy, technology, and software make their homes here in Texas.

You must be in Carrollton. I did a TV interview 2 years ago at the station right next door to the [] headquarters.

Or, you know, it's a damn nice looking hoodie w/ a red and white stripe on black. It looks pretty good, and for everyone who has never played MAss Effect (READ: Everyone in my office, most of my friends, and everyone in my family save 1 of my brothers), it's a good looking black hooding w/ a red and white stripe.

"The (cup)CAKE is a lie!"

Luke, that was an awesome ending to the article.

This one?? :-D I was a lucky winner of one during Bioware's "Citadel Days, N7 Nights" competition a couple of weeks ago. See, my name is listed on the official competition page. I won on March 17th, between the 8-9pm block. So excited!

I just took them to be kind of art deco statues in front of the place? Of course, I wasn't playing on a console, so everything was maxed, and at that detail, it was difficult to believe that they were actually poorly rendered cut outs instead of art deco statues. Small things in the rough shapes and elongated shadows

Holy crap, it's like the precursor to the Mass Effect star charts! That's awesome!

50 Cent approves.