
Because people will go to the lot and look at the crazy styling and say to themselves: “Something something ricer, something something over the top, something something I’m not 12, something something hotwheels, and something something I prefer a brown buick.

9/10 would watch sober.

The updated video shows him lane split, and by lane splitting I mean going around a single car. Not going to lie that would probably piss me off too. I wouldn’t have done what the car drive did, but there also doesn’t seem to be a reason the motorcycle couldn’t have just waited and passed the car like a normal patient

the stomping land

Which ARK has part of the people who started

Pretty sure you can change the race of your character to any color, so yes they can play as whatever they would like. I’m not even saying the mods are bad. But someone, the developer, made the game the way they wanted. The mods are fine and can change it to how the player wants. That is what makes mods so nice.

I don’t think that would work because then people would, “whys the main character white?”. Which could make a game that basically is nothing but complete sadness where the white character is basically abused the entire time, but who wants to play games for the depression.

So you think helicopters aren't underrepresented in current games? And it's more about gender of the helicopter then the race of helicopter. On a different note, they could make their own game with all the races they want if they fell that badly about the game. Otherwise helicopter farming sims for all.

Computer at work derps and thinks the cancel button = publish

Comment things messed up. Gender : Sexual Attack Helicopter.

ender: Sexual Attack Helicopter

Didn’t read. Demand new 3ds version and Wii U.

Get rid of the weird top and maybe... just maybe.

I agree. 2010 SS + 5 Years daily driven = Only 1 accident. Where a lady ran into the front of it... while I wasn’t even in the car and it was parked.

GTE then. Grand theft elephant... and you get to pimp out your elephant.

I think its the all white interior that makes it so hard to look at.

Destructophant - Coming to a system near you.

Shovel + Trunk = Bury the bodies jokes? And survival.

1. Don’t stand close.

Cameraman hit by Lamborghini, driver states low flying pelican to blame.