What the heck is she thinking? A ban on guns won’t accomplish anything. Everyone knows that the only thing that might make a difference are ‘thoughts and prayers’ /s
What the heck is she thinking? A ban on guns won’t accomplish anything. Everyone knows that the only thing that might make a difference are ‘thoughts and prayers’ /s
Who needs to burn books when you can convince the people that they are all ‘Fake News’
As a few people have pointed out.. this article isn’t for you. There are many people who might read it though and have it end up being the impetus for them to step back for a moment and reevaluate their gaming. “Am I actually having fun?” Some people will continue to beat their heads against the wall.
You’re completely right about the insanely ballooning costs of even the smallest construction projects. All I know, is that building that wall is going to cost at least 10 times what Tomi is touting. And it’s going to have to be inspected and maintained through its entire lifespan.
The need to get up and go to the bathroom plus all the random nodding off makes it sound like you were probably suffering from sleep apnea. There are lots of things that can have an effect on it, but being overweight can exacerbate apnea.
That’s assuming you enjoy playing something that has 0 respect for your time and your usefulness as a human being. Just let me pay for the game up front so that I can play it and move on.
No, he has accused any and all media that is critical of him as being fake news while supporting garbage media like Fox New and Info Wars. A lot of what the ‘fake news’ reports are literally clips of him saying/doing terrible things. Five minutes later he’s saying that he never said/did the things that there is…
But there is so very little positive, and the decisions he’s making are actively hurting American people which is hard to overlook. His tax breaks for the rich has just allowed them to buy more and more of their own stock back... it’s not creating jobs. Plus you do not need tax breaks in times of economic growth. …
How is Trump going to keep himself out of the US? I mean, he’s tearing your country down brick by brick.
It’s the hillbilly version of Sodom and Gomorrah. Just don’t turn back to look at the town as it goes up in flames. These parents are absolutely disgusting.
Welcome to Magic The Gathering throughout all time. It’s a pain to deal with because sometimes there will be a dominant deck that will wreck things. Often the metagame will shift as more and more players take up decks to counter the major archetype. After awhile people will be running new decks because that particular…
Ahh, Wander is so selfish :)
Has no one rewritten the analogy to better reflect the real situation yet? That could be a funny read.
Maybe it was intended to be this way, but I remember feeling the disconnect here too. I have no idea who the girl is and I have no connection to her whatsoever. At best, she was shown to me in a cut-scene. I honestly can’t remember because of how little importance she was to the game.
I understand the comment. But if you’re looking at $7.50 per hour it doesn’t sound that bad. It costs an hour worth of work, or so.
I’m going to say there is cheating that matters and cheating that doesn’t matter. If you are cheating in a multiplayer game then you should prepare to be banned. If you are exploiting glitches (like engineers building under the map in Team Fortress 2) and are clearly circumventing the intended rules of the game then…
I really like all the Toys to Life games, but this one is going just a little too far. Every character purchase is basically a microtransaction and now they are adding more digital microtransactions to the game.
Beat me to it.
You don’t need to buy a product to help you squat. I am a bit of a germaphobe and have not sat on a toilet seat in almost my entire life (not to mention it is cold), but I believe that the “hover” definitely helps bring some more muscles into the equation. I haven’t had to spend more than a 5 or 6 seconds straining…
our university pays steeply raised prices to cover the fact that they buy once, lend tons. It’s like a special license.