agreement party

I absolutely despised Lena Dunham, mostly due to her writing. I hate her protaganists and it's clear she puts a lot of herself into her characters, so I made the uniformed decision that I hate her just as much. And she says really ignorant, adolescent, and entitled things on media junkets and wears outfits that are

An academic literary culture that makes the concept of a "business insiders' club" look like an open and welcoming civic engagement. Artists have given up on attempting to objectively value art and the result is that they become (along with influences from the academic world's problems) a tribal group engaged with

Oh, I'm bad, but I shut down at that exact same point, too! As soon as I read those 2 words. Thought Catalog poster-boy? Good-byyyyye.

So I'm now automatically prefacing little shit's name with "Entitled."

Yeah, that line makes me want to shatter someone's teeth on a curb.

Tell her you love her, and your partner does the same. Tell her that she is smart, funny, awesome, good at math and science, art, music, fashion, piano, cooking, Google-fu, being a pirate, and when she dresses up, tell her that she's pretty, stylish, and far-too-grown-up looking. Remind her that you knew her when she

"The life of a teenage girl is just collateral damage in the messy pursuit of brilliance."

His father invented Lasik.

"At least he didn't rape her"? A 22 year old admits to sex with a 16 child and somehow it isn't rape? I must be missing something.

When Robert was looking for a new girlfriend, he reportedly told a friend, "I don't care what ethnicity she is, I just want someone with more than one facial expression."

Just today I was thinking about how ridiculous it is that there are people who legitimately hate our president just because he's black. It is astounding that in the 21st century, there are still people who act like this.

Yup that too. There are many reasons I can think of that K. Stew makes a terrible girlfriend, I just went with the one that could be most understandable to these idiots.

Everyone knows the best way to get your celebrity crush to do what you want is to racially insult their significant other. This is why Jennifer Aniston spends all her time on Twitter calling Angelina Jolie a cracker.

Not to mention a woman who has the personality of a piece of driftwood with some kelp stuck to it. And I say that as someone who's about 95% sure the Robsten thing was a publicity stunt and not an actual relationship.

Well, people are terrible. And she's beautiful. It's downright comical that they prefer for him to date a woman who blatantly cheated on him.

She is the living embodiment oour nattional celebration of ignorance.

So 4 years ago she'd never heard a Jay Z song but now it's, "But I also know what I like to listen to"?

@Coup d’état: That's lovely that you had such a nice experience - one that didn't include being drugged and forced to do things against your will despite repeatedly asking him to stop.