
While watching Bran allow the North independence, I couldn’t help but think: Dorne has the only intact army left... and it was never really a part of the Seven Kingdoms to begin wth. Yeah... the Six Kingdoms is soon going to be the Five Kingdoms.

Game of Thrones: Gods Edition

I am surprised at how sad I am that the show is over.

I thought the quick dispatching of the Golden Company and the iron fleet actually made a lot of sense — they fought the army of the dead, even with depleted forces no human army can or should really compare 

So the Valonqar prophecy kinda came true — she dies in the hand(s) of her little brother — just the comforting way and not in the murder-y way (with her being crushed instead of choked).

That picture she chose to post is the stuff of nightmares...

I don’t smoke... but after that episode I feel like I need a cigarette. 

Some Lord of the Rings vibes tonight. Aside from obvious Helm’s Deep references there was:

Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative (We-Fi)

Probable Deaths in the next episode:

Include me as one of the many who had my mouth agape in shock/horror at the Arya/Gendry sex scene. In my mind’s eye she is still 11 (I would have had a similar reaction to a Bran sex scene). However, now that I’ve had a night to process it, I think it is kinda lovely how it came about - she was in charge, it was her

My feelings all throughout the episode: THEY ARE ALL GOING TO DIE

Not sure who this man is but unless this was meant as a comedy thread... this is not an individual who should should give fashion advice. Nothing fits properly and all the fabric look cheap.

Is he wrong?

Let’s be realistic here. She is “pretty” rich blonde woman... of course she will be fine. Print media will be falling over themselves to write her ‘redemption’ story and taking glossy photographs of her home and kids in a few years. Heck, even now, the NYTimes is writing half-fawning pieces that her sources put out as

I do leatherwork for fun and that bra is actually quite easy to make. Its just leather, rivets, three o-rings, and probably some kind of button stud in the back. No sewing required!

these apocalypse omens are getting more and more on the nose.

Dead giveaway that she is lying about figure skating at a high level: I was the“skinniest girl in figure skating”

Who knows if/how long this marriage will last but damn are they not an excellent match for each other. Aside from the physical, they have similar backgrounds and upbringing, both have similar aged children from a previous marriage, both are business/brand savvy, and they are both in similar places on their respective f

doesn’t every iteration of “a star is born” do this exact thing? (I mean... Judy Garland and Babs are no vocal slouches).