
The problem is that most people have an issue with that- and what policy are they enrolled in? Who pays the premiums? If it’s the government, where does the money come from?

Insurance doesn’t work, however, when people are allowed to wait until the actually have a claim before buying the coverage, and the premiums for that coverage can’t account for the fact that you have a claim- it’d be like having your $150K house burn down, THEN buying homeowners’ insurance for $1,500/year. It’s

I’m no expert in how these things work but, if it’s generally considered okay for a pitcher to not make it to the stadium the day following a long session, and Harvey texted to say he wasn’t feeling well, then team security found him, at home, in pajamas, that would seem to jibe for me- I mean, if he was at a strip

Reasonable response. Are you an alien?

You have proof that Pres. Trump has actually broken a law, in public, with witnesses? I’d love to see this.

And lots of kids and others paint black over the red or outright remove the red tip. Until we know more about the BB gun, we can’t know it wasn’t justified.

Licenses and registration are required for cars because they’re operated on public roads, where they pose a greater risk to the greatest number of persons. If my guns are kept in my own home, I shouldn’t be required to have a license merely to own something I’m guaranteed a right to own. Now, if I want to carry them

The male partner has stiff financial repercussions. Regardless of his own desire to father a child, he would be on the hook for at least child support. He has no recourse with the courts.

You touched on one of the issues with a switch to universal medicine- economic disruptions. For instance, doctors and nurses in the U.S. make 1.5 to 5 times more than their counterparts in countries with universal healthcare. Maybe telling a surgeon he should make do with $175K rather than $350K is palatable, but

I further tribute to McLaren-Honda does it have 120 fewer horsepower than other Indy cars and have penchant for having its engine grenade itself even before the race starts?

The biggest problem most of us have with the ACA and other similar measures is that it does ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY NOTHING ABOUT THE ACTUAL COST OF HEALTHCARE. Neo-natal surgeries are still insanely expensive- the ACA doesn’t address that. All the ACA does is provide a shift in costs- oh, poor people can’t afford the


Not the same, but related, I got a C. Diff infection once. Had a wart removed from my hand and it got infected, of course, while I was out-of-town for 3 weeks for job training. Went to the ER, got an antibiotic shot in the ass and within a day or so had uncontrollable diarrhea. Had class every day so just had to deal

I’m starting my sixth week of Gym Jones’ six-week Preparation Phase of the “Man of Steel” training plan- modified from Henry Cavill’s Man of Steel workout. I haven’t lost any weight but I’ve tightened my belt at least an inch and my wife has commented that I look thinner/more defined- after 5 weeks. Once done, I’m

I have to use Windows at work...I’ll gladly pay more for a home computer that uses OS, even if I trade off a few other things.

Kill someone in a sudden fit of potentially, nearly, justifiable anger, without really meaning to, get some length of time in prison. At least in part, the punishment is meant as a rehabilitation- an opportunity to learn there are consequences for your actions. Kill someone in cold blood, perhaps in furtherance of a

If we’re going to execute people, I’d be more in favor of CO poisoning.

The other side of this is the criticism expecting mothers get for exercising at all. My wife, during both pregnancies, worked out until the end. For our first, she was swimming laps the day before our son was born. She said she felt pretty self-conscious when she would be changing in the locker room and would hear,

All this concern and effort and, frankly, the best position is, if you’re in a position with a risk of being tested, don’t do drugs. I don’t know why that’s hard for people. I get it, smoking pot is nice and there’s a whole argument as to why it shouldn’t be illegal. But it is and/or where it isn’t illegal it’s still

Jabrill Peppers- UofM football player- was drug tested at the NFL combine and they determined his sample was too dilute- as if he had consumed a large amount of water. He claims he was sick and hydrating, but the NFL isn’t having any of it and, when he’s drafted, he has to enter the NFL drug program (more frequent