
1. Hot Girl Privilege

Not very “modern man” of me, but I rarely cry. Basically funerals. And only the unexpected ones (20-something friends, rather than 90-year-olds with Dementia).

Some of us don’t like minivans- either the styling, the fact most are FWD, the low ride height, the piggish acceleration and handling, etc.

Generally, though, there’s only a penalty, in a race, if riding over the kerb resulted in an undue advantage- i.e. the car passed another on the kerb.

I seem to remember some extremism in the Old Testament, but please, by all means, clue me in to the extremism of Jesus...

And therein lies the issue on college campuses where, generally, men are accused of date rape, dragged into an “administrative hearing,” not allowed to be represented by counsel, not allowed to present evidence or even testimony other than, “I’m so sorry I did this, I won’t do it again,” and the panel then decides how

Look at this asshole.

As to why I carry, I may be loathe to take a life, but I’d much prefer it to the alternative of not being able to prevent someone else from taking mine.

Hell, I pay $200/month for cable and internet (500 MB/s), and still have Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, CBS, etc.

No business does anything, purely, out of the goodness of its “heart.” Giving stuff away with no profitability or potential for a revenue stream, or even just the tax break, will only lead to the destruction of the company.

5 Months in and Trump hasn’t suddenly donated entire fortune to Planned Parenthood and started adhering strictly to Bernie’s policy ideas...must be a racist and a sexist and a homophobe.

what if i’m actually trying to kill a pedestrian- like he’s shooting at me, or something? huh? betcha Buick didn’t think of that.

I’ll respond to this from another perspective-

I was hired by an insurance defense law firm, 4 or 5 years out of law school, with no specific insurance defense experience but 2 years of experience as an insurance adjuster. The boss offered me a base salary and I countered for an additional $2,500 that he gave me.


I question the validity of this conclusion. For one, what are they comparing? Women with Master’s vs. Men with Master’s? If so, do women, more often, have Master’s in liberal arts disciplines like English, History, Women’s Studies, etc., to men’s Master’s in Engineering, Physics, Geology, Computer Science? Based on

As a resident of San Antonio I’ll take this moment to point out how utterly ridiculous it is nobody takes SA seriously for an NFL franchise- we have 1.4M people and only an NBA and fledgling minor league soccer and baseball teams. We have a larger population than 4 cities with current NFL franchises and Las Vegas.

“About 6 percent of nurses in the United States are men. However, men are represented in much higher numbers in nursing specialties that also pay higher salaries. For example, 49 percent of Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) in the U.S. are men. In 2005, the average salary for CRNAs was $160,000,

The article says it controlled for those factors, but then used graphs that clearly don’t control for the factors.

The numbers in the chart above aren’t all controlled for everything. For pre-school and kindergarten teachers, it’s not controlling for the fact that male teachers are more likely to have advanced degrees, and, therefore, be paid more (in public school education salary is, in the vast majority of districts, based

Yeah, Umbrella is fairly does require higher limits for the regular auto liability (and renters or homeowners liability). For every increase in limits, though, the cost of additional coverage goes down- insurers know the likelihood of a $250K payout is less than for a $100K payout, which is less than for a

It doesn’t even have to be that high an income. I’ve seen a case where an elderly gentleman with a $100K policy pulled out in front of a motorcyclist, killed him, and got a $4.5M verdict at trial- the motorcyclist was an oilfield guy with decent income, but the jury put most of the money on his parents’ mental