Cars would last so much longer in cold winter states if they’d stop putting all that salt on the roads...nobody would ever go anywhere in the winter, but the cars would last longer.
Cars would last so much longer in cold winter states if they’d stop putting all that salt on the roads...nobody would ever go anywhere in the winter, but the cars would last longer.
I’ve seen people get over to the shoulder in such a storm, but then get creamed by the next guy who can’t see.
Yeah, good in theory, until the little cherubs figure out how to operate the lock from the outside with a spoon, an action figure’s foot, etc.
If you have any particularly expensive personal items- like fancy jewelry (engagement ring, ladies)- then you need to get a Personal Articles Policy. They’re very cheap (a couple of dollars per year for every thousand dollars of value insured) and cover even accidental or mysterious disappearance- “I had it on Tuesday…
At least Trump went...even if it’s a photo-op, look at all the responses from most of LA’s citizens- they’re happy it appears he cares. Where’s our current president, hmm? Playing golf in Martha’s Vineyard. The same president who criticized Pres. Bush, after Katrina, for flying over LA rather than dropping in to help.
The worst part of this is that new studies are showing that, especially with long-slow distance running workouts, your body is quite good at becoming more efficient- essentially if you burn 150 KCal running on Day 1, but Day 10 you might still burn that 150 KCal on the treadmill, but will burn 150 fewer KCals…
I’ve had a thought...some UTVs have very similar tracks/wheelbases to the Willys CJ-3b. You can buy a brand new CJ-3b body...tack on to UTV chassis/suspension/engine...bam, old school looks, new school performance...
Kinda like Icon’s CJ-3b, but not $100K.
It all comes down to what your goals are. Something to keep in mind- the more muscle groups, and especially the more large muscle groups (i.e. legs), you target at once, the more calories you’ll burn. On the flip side, though, the more muscle groups, and especially the more large muscle groups you target at once, the…
We live in Texas. It’s Hotter’n’shit. My parents just moved here from Arkansas, where it is also Hotter’n’shit. The house they came from had a back porch they had screened in, hung up a TV, etc. They did the same down here- an even bigger screened back porch, where they have placed a dining table and chairs on one…
I’m been trying to popularize, for the XD, the term “2/3 ton truck,” but “5/8 ton” might work as well.
I’m a lawyer- faxing is still the quickest and best way, often, to send documents with large numbers of pages, and especially scanned-pages rather than just converted pdfs, quickly. Great for when things have specific, hard-enforced timelimits (i.e. all docs for discovery production must be delivered by x date, or you…
Just a guess/extrapolation- if you’re meeting with the leader of a testy civilization, and are taking a protocol/interpreter droid, you want the droid to appear as least threatening as possible- showing up with the same droid used for war just might make the situation a bit tense.
I can’t find the study, but a UofF (I think) Ph.D in Exercise Physiology did a study that showed weighted extension/flexion can have a tremendous effect on hypertrophic growth. Specifically, as in a bench dumbbell fly exercise, hold the weights out, with your pectorals stretched, for some length of time. This causes…
What?! Offensive?! Next, you guys are going to tell me saying “it’s colder than a witch’s tit in a brass brassiere” is offensive to Wiccans.
This rule has nothing to do with the insurance companies...most states, wanting all cars to be insured, just enforce rules that confirm insurance whenever they interact with vehicle owners- retrieving a towed car, undergoing vehicle inspection, traffic stop, etc.
Well, we could combine men’s and women’s events and then comment on how women never win a single event.
Yeah, no. Depending on status with an NFL team, you can be cut for missing preseason camp, or, at the least, fined 100s of 1000s of dollars.
Well, she tested positive for a banned substance as recently as March. We still don’t have great scientific understanding of the longterm effects of these substances, or exactly how they impact performance. Perhaps, if she was using up until March, she expanded her training envelope and is still experiencing positive…
Depending on what insurance she has, good luck. Insurers’ liability coverage usually covers the “reasonable cost of repair.” Wouldn’t be surprised if they pay up to the “prevailing competitive market rate” for labor- which will be a fraction of the cost of Ferrari Dealer Labor. Fortunately, I doubt there are any…
Oh, electronic funds are very real, but it’s not like there’s a finite amount of funds in the world, and one guy’s possession/use of some large portion thereof reduces the available funds for everyone else’s. There is a finite amount of actual cash, and if he used actual cash it would reduce the remaining cash.…