
Interesting...on that basis, alone, Mazdas with Wankels should be capable of an extra 20hp!

F1 power units are, with current technology, the ultimate expression of hybrid technology utilized primarily for more performance, with more efficiency as a side benefit. I would point out, though, that fuel in F1 isn’t particularly “exotic,” as it can only contain compounds found in commercial pump gas. It is,

From a powertrain standpoint, most of it appears to be, essentially, off the shelf- except that turbine. If it’s something like a helicopter turbine, then they’re available and RELATIVELY cheap, but it does hinder maintenance/repairability. Other than fuel savings, the one thing truckers are looking for is

Couldn’t obtain online. Hiccup appears to be that they want to send a confirmation text to my mobile phone, but my mobile phone is in my wife’s name so they can’t verify that as my phone number.

Police officers are taught to shoot until the threat is over- i.e. man is down, not moving. In the heat of the moment, adrenaline pumping, accuracy is significantly decreased (as much as 50%), and studies have shown that, in the time it takes for the eyes to receive visual information, brain to process, transmit

Many of the same people who argue no one really needs these vehicles and, therefore, should just get a minivan or wagon, are the same people who drool over 550 hp Porsches capable of 205 mph- even though no one NEEDS 550 hp or will ever come close to 205 mph.

At the end of the day, if you like a car like this, are

Not too shabby- just bought a Jeep last night for the wife (it’s what she wanted). Makes me feel a bit better about it.

A clutch is a wear-item like brake rotors. The dealership agreed to split with him, likely, as an inducement for his purchase, recognizing it was an expensive item likely in need of replacement.

FYI, Texas A&M University in College Station has a Recreation, Parks, and Tourism major. A lot of graduates go into Parks Management.

Some of us just like those features- I learned to drive in a Tahoe, my first car was a Jeep Cherokee, and I currently drive an Explorer. I’ve always driven something higher/larger. When I get in a car I feel too low, and I don’t like sitting down into a car.

My wife is looking a getting a Jeep a. because she likes the

You can Google/YouTube it- nearly all deadbolts can be picked with the right tools and enough time. And the tools can be as simple as a couple of paperclips, or even $40 worth of real picks bought online.

I doubt she’s under 4'10"- that would make her, technically, a dwarf (is that the pc term?).

Moved out of rental house, left all keys but one on counter, one under the mat. Landlord lost one under mat(?), couldn’t get in house. I Googled picking locks, used two paper clips to pick the front door deadbolt.

In my firm of mostly under-35 attorneys, I’ve had several co-workers nearly shut down, temporarily, after getting critical feedback from the boss-man. Like, go to their office and want to/actually cry.

Law’s been pretty good. 7% after first year, with about 37%, total, in bonuses. Base salary isn’t as much as people think of when they think of lawyers, but, overall, with bonuses and raise potential, pretty good.

I love the taste of coffee, but even a single cup gives me painful abdominal cramps and, eventually, the runs. You’d think it’s the caffeine, but I can take straight 200mg caffeine pills (or two) without similar impact. I’ve been told cold brew might be better on me. Any thoughts?

Where’s the dog?

A big part of the decline in sedan sale has to be attributable to lower gas prices. That said, the Malibu, for instance, gets 27/37, at it’s most efficient trim, while, say, the Equinox gets a still-pretty-good 22/32. So people, my family included, have determined they can make the move to larger, roomier, more

Anyone else wake up a whole lot earlier than their significant other, or children and, therefore, have to immediately jump up and shut off the not-as-loud-as-this-system alarm to avoid waking up aforementioned persons? Have to pick softer alarm tones (Justin Timberlake’s Blue Ocean Floor from The 20/20 Experience is

I don’t think so. As I understand it, the iPhone’s alarm, at least, is set up to only play on the built-in speakers, not cast to Bluetooth.