
Agreed. We can all debate the merits and likelihood of Trump’s insistence he’ll force Ford to move jobs back from Mexico, but, ultimately, it would seem that Trump’s the only candidate really talking about that, at all.

I live in San Antonio, where we have a large Toyota plant, full of non-union auto workers, making

All states do this to a degree- the U.S. Constitution grants them sovereign immunity so, if they so chose, they could just refuse to pay anything. Texas’ cap is 250k/500k.

Here’s the deal- I don’t think the ultimate build quality we all want is possible, anymore. As larger manufacturers have had to invest and build in ever greater powertrain efficiency (300+ hp AND 30+ mpg) along with safety (walk away from a 45 mph head on collision), they’ve had to take away investment in perfect

First offense, citation, perhaps a probated sentence or deferred adjudication, insurance take care of damage.

Absent drugs, alcohol, racing, etc., even civilians rarely results in prison time. Trust me, this is my job.

So you’re looking for attempted involuntary manslaughter- which doesn’t exist.

Florida caps payments in tort cases against state agencies at $200K per person/$300K per incident.

Attempted manslaughter would mean you were attempting to kill someone. Not that you were negligent in running a red light.

Anyone else surprised that the NK airline, owned by a government long concerned with purity of culture and consumed by its ongoing war with SK/America, serves something so American as a hamburger? I mean, a bad hamburger, obvs, but a hamburger, nonetheless.

I’m an associate at a law firm and do interviews for new attorneys, law student clerks, and legal secretaries. I can tell you, recently, we’ve had applicants interview who, right off the bat, we noticed errors in their resume/cover letter, and that didn’t bode well. Also, knowing someone at the firm is a plus, as the

A. They have to have some bar.

We’ve always joked about how mosquitoes love my mom, who drinks gin and tonic (which has quinine, which treats malaria).

We’ve always joked about how mosquitoes love my mom, who drinks gin and tonic (which has quinine, which treats

That’s it. Just give up. Everyone turn off all electricity in your house, shut off the water, just move out. Set up all-natural, hemp-rope Yurts out in the wilderness. Drink unfiltered natural spring water. Don’t kill any animals for food, just eat berries and nuts. Be naked. No fires.

That’s not really how insurance works, stateside. Higher costs for younger drives typically comes from newer and/or faster cars, not cars of a given size.

I don’t know- I don’t do family law, but, apparently, that was a fairly common provision in San Antonio-area divorce agreements, developed by a former Judge-now-family-practitioner. But not anymore.

I think the point is that if the argument is the wealthy should pay, as a share of taxes, something equivalent to their share of income, they’re far exceeding that.

Practically speaking, raising the top income tax rate on the top 20% to even 85-95% wouldn’t eliminate our deficit, especially at the spending levels

Texas is a community property states where, generally, the presumption is a spouse is entitled to half of everything EXCEPT for clearly separate property- such as inheritances.

Or custody...and just recently had a case where the parties had an original divorce settlement agreement where either would have to pay the other $10K to modify custody later on, went all the way to the appellate court before being nullified.

The problem is, by the time people get to the point of divorce, each thinks “what’s fair” for the other is nothing. “I put up with you for five years, I get all the cash, the house, the dog, both cars, and that fine silver your grandmother left you when she died. You can have my student loan and the maxed out joint

Depending on the stats you’re looking at, the top 20% pay upwards of 84% of income taxes, while earning 51% of income- so they’re definitely overpaying. The bottom 80% are making about 49% of income, yet only pay 16% of taxes. What’s fair?…