
My boss- either super early in the morning, assuming he doesn’t have an appointment first thing (he’s in the office before 7, it’s the only time his phone isn’t ringing off the hook and other employees aren’t lined up out the door with issues), or after a Spurs win.

We lucked out as well, but several people in my office have to have car repairs or even roof replacements.

I kinda meant it as absolute occasional low- and we may not have seen that, at all, this winter.

I’ll just be happy when the hail stops.

I paid $4000 for a ‘93 XJ in 2000...

Nah, I’m in SA, and my electric bill goes from $100-120 in winter to over $200 in the summer, at times. Though we just moved to a newer house that seems to have better insulation/more efficient a/c (and gas heat!), so I’ve already (in first two electric bills) seen a drop of about $25/month since the same months last

Fortunately, I’m one of that subset of people for whom melatonin is, essentially, an actual sleep drug. I take it a lot, so my dosage has to be higher, but I’ll take two of the 10mg dissolvable/chewable tablets at bedtime and, basically, start passing out within 30 minutes. If I get off of it, my sleep quality

We have state inspections here in Texas and it’s basically just a $25 fee I pay to a drive-in kiosk or oil change place. They never tell me anything is wrong, even when I know something is. The last one, I drove in for an oil change, told them I needed an inspection. They did the oil change and were ringing me up. I

Not when it only dips down that low for a few hours at night, then picks back up into the 50s during the day.

I fully expect to get one, assuming it can be had for under $60K and the Bonus Gods shine down upon me.

As I understand it, because they’d be importing a light truck, it’d be subject to the “Chicken Tax” of 25%. Given that the margin on vehicles like this isn’t nearly that high- it has to be cheaper than full-size trucks to make sense, there’s no money to be made.

They could always produce it at one of their U.S. plants,

I think this is the disconnect between people from places with harsh winters, and people from places with stupid-hot summers, but mildish winters.

In South Texas, for instance, our typical winter low is in the 20s, while our summer high is in the 110s. Most people have electric heat because that’s good enough for our

It was a tongue in cheek reference to the example provided. All together, the principle, itself, is fine.

The only situation I can think of would be where there are cold winters, but people still have electric heat.

Obviously the example does not apply to the South, where electricity bills go down to almost nothing in winter, spike in summer.

We do this with our two biggest variable expenses- gas and groceries. We budget for something like $700/month in groceries and $500/month in gas, but rarely spend more than $500/$400. So we

B) Exactly. If I were to live next to my office, even in San Antonio, I’d pay, easily, 50% more for a similar house.

The term is “negligent entrustment,” but at least here in Texas you can't win win a private party loaned his car to another private party who the state had determined was ok to drive by the granting of a license. Bit different in commercial cases.

I really enjoy the taste of all kinds of coffee, and who doesn’t love caffeine, but the whole painful, uncontrollable diarrhea for hours issue really makes coffee an impossibility. And it’s not just the caffeine- I take 2 200mg caffeine pills every day.

Seriously, for when there’s no up front/free parking and you’re just running in somewhere, there should be an autonomous orbit mode where the car just drives around the block until you’re done.

Exactly. “I was going to work for that petrochemical company, by their top core value is actual environmental decimation,” or “this company’s number one priority is overworking and underpaying employees.”

We just bought, too. One of the factors, for me, at least, was that in order to get a nice house, with everything we wanted in a home, we’d be paying at least as much in rent as we do, now, in mortgage+insurance+taxes. So that left just the downpayment/closing costs, and we did an FHA loan so 3.5% down and convinced