The term is “negligent entrustment,” but at least here in Texas you can't win win a private party loaned his car to another private party who the state had determined was ok to drive by the granting of a license. Bit different in commercial cases.
The term is “negligent entrustment,” but at least here in Texas you can't win win a private party loaned his car to another private party who the state had determined was ok to drive by the granting of a license. Bit different in commercial cases.
I really enjoy the taste of all kinds of coffee, and who doesn’t love caffeine, but the whole painful, uncontrollable diarrhea for hours issue really makes coffee an impossibility. And it’s not just the caffeine- I take 2 200mg caffeine pills every day.
Seriously, for when there’s no up front/free parking and you’re just running in somewhere, there should be an autonomous orbit mode where the car just drives around the block until you’re done.
Exactly. “I was going to work for that petrochemical company, by their top core value is actual environmental decimation,” or “this company’s number one priority is overworking and underpaying employees.”
We just bought, too. One of the factors, for me, at least, was that in order to get a nice house, with everything we wanted in a home, we’d be paying at least as much in rent as we do, now, in mortgage+insurance+taxes. So that left just the downpayment/closing costs, and we did an FHA loan so 3.5% down and convinced…
A. Photo of Army Soldier in article referencing Navy...
...Navy wants to change up PFT? Also wants to lower body fat standards to retain sailors that would otherwise be discharged...
Legitimately asking, but Jaguar, at least in the past, had a reputation for less-than-stellar quality. So does Land Rover. Is that warranted, still?
Or, got all excited about the $261K salary, went home and told his wife, and she promptly put his nuts in a vice...
If this works -if- then build a big one, strap it in a spacecraft with a small nuke reactor and, voila, intra-system travel is done.
That's the point of stock and options. Out of their total compensation package, all of them make the vast majority of their income from something directly tied to the overall financial performance and health of their company.
Through the Seller’s Agent (we didn’t use a buyer’s agent), we learned the Sellers were elderly and didn’t appreciate a. that the house was in a cul-de-sac surrounded by young families who let their kids play in the street, and b. the house had stairs to get in both through the garage and the front door.
We are a young…
Is it really so hard to plug your USB into the brick, then a regular outlet?
Is it really so hard to plug your USB into the brick, then a regular outlet?
If an outlet is wired downstream from a GFI, within a certain distance, it can be a regular outlet, regardless of proximity to water. The upstream GFI will cut power if the downstream outlet shorts.
If an outlet is wired downstream from a GFI, within a certain distance, it can be a regular outlet, regardless of…
You know, all you Gawker Media writers must be fun at parties. So crazy optimistic and positive all the time. /s
Really, though, the guy seems like a straight arrow, loves what he loves, a humanitarian, and your immediate first reaction is to downplay that. Wow. Dick much? Fuckin’ wannabe Hipsters. “I hated him before…
So less than half.
Unless you need both party’s income to qualify for the amount of mortgage you need...
I mean, is not doing drugs/smoking weed that hard? I get that a lot of people don’t think it should be illegal, and it’s, in fact, legal in several locales, but when your job says no weed, you should, you know, if you wanna keep your job, not smoke weed.
I thought weed was supposed to be the “non-habit-forming” drug?
Insurance Defense Attorney, former adjuster, here. The single most important lesson I’ve learned is that no one has too much insurance. Following that, if you have assets, especially, and can, obviously, afford it, by God get more insurance.
Here in San Antonio a local criminal defense attorney who was rearended while driving his Audi, had his seat collapse causing him to headbutt his child in the rear seat, just won $124M against Audi. How much of that will ever be collected is anyone’s guess.
Apparently, Audi had not updated the strength requirements of…
Well, for one, this is a settlement. To some extent, it’s likely Rodas’ insurer is paying all or a substantial part of the settlement (he was a businessman, who owned an auto business, he may have had a fairly large umbrella liability policy). For another, the value of a wrongful death lawsuit is driven by several…