
As drfaustus said, there's really no better design for safety, efficiency, ease of manufacture, etc. We tried the whole space plane thing and it proved to be a nightmare- insane difficult to land, maintain, and complicated enough that tiny issues expanded to destroy them not once, but twice.

Agreed. Father of two, with a dog, with family nearly 12 hours away. When we load up 4 large suitcases, the dog, the dog's bed, two kids (age 3 and 4), with all of their stuff, we completely fill up whatever car/SUV/truck we're taking that day. As a guy who likes power and speed, I'd like to be able to comfortably

The closest civil charge is negligent entrustment- I see it a lot in my insurance defense practice. For private actors, though, it generally doesn't apply so long as the person you entrust the car to is a licensed driver and you know no specific, readily identifiable reason as to why they shouldn't be driving the car

I primarily see this with the V6 models, Camaro and Mustang. Generally speaking, however, the V8 owners are car people. Maybe they don't track day it, but they know what they have and what it's capable of.

This is also one reason why I dislike the Mustang and Camaro- you can spend anywhere from $22K to $80K on a car

Not happening. Mercedes has already said they would leave the sport if the had stuck with v8s; Honda only came back for the same reason. The primary justification for auto manufacturers is the carryover tech. As we all know, fewer and fewer road cars are using v8s.

Susie Wolff, absent some calamity befalling Massa or Bottas, is unlikely to ever race a Grand Prix. And if some calamity does occur, Williams is just as likely to hire some more experienced out-of-work driver, as teams are want to do. If, by some miracle, she finds herself in the car, in a race, it would be unlikely

Not from guys with no interest in providing long-winded answers.

And what's the appropriate answer to that kind of question? "Well, we played well, they didn't, so we won."

Never been a fan of Saleen's mustangs. They always looked like what some tuner kid with poor taste would do to a mustang.

Not at all. Most dealerships have at least 1, if not more, on the floor, ready to be purchased. No wait, no paying homage- other than cash.

I don't think I need any more reasons to avoid Walmart. I don't really have anything against them, I just don't particularly like their products, their stores, etc. And HEBs are very nice- I shop at one of the HEB+s.

Feel bad it happened to Nico this way, but, had he had a bit better season he wouldn't have been in a position to need to, essentially, win a race to win the championship. That said, between the two, I was pulling for Lewis. I think he just has a better story. Hopefully the two can stay good friends, if solid rivals.


It's kind of amazing that MB basically sucked in F1 for a few years- to the point where, allegedly, MB corporate threatened to pull out, and then they go and get awesome. They pulled out all the stops- basically everything on the car was a unique innovation that everyone else is still trying to catch up to.

You guys should definitely be looking at HEB. As Chynna said, it's the main grocery store for most of Texas. Here in San Antonio, where it's headquartered, we don't have Kroger or any of the other grocery-only stores, only HEB and larger stores like Walmart, and specialties like Whole Foods.

I like the officer on the right's face, kind of, "wow, just wow."

Here's the deal- you have Lexus designers, who are ultimately employees of Toyota, a company known for designing cars solely distinguishable for their lack of distinguishing features, wholly bland beige cars, trying to add pop to what are, at their core, more bland beige cars.

I picked up a '15 Chevy Impala V6 on Tuesday for a quick run from San Anton to McAllen and back. Actually not that bad- Chevy MyLink, leather, and pretty decent pickup for a full size FWD sedan. Passing 18-wheelers on 281 I caught myself breaking 100 a couple times. I definitely subscribe to the "drive it like a

It's going to be hilarious is Mercedes spends all year refusing to budge on in-season engine changes, and then Honda comes out and blows the turbos off everyone- Merc included.

I have a friend, who I met in DC. She was from the Boston area, went to school in the Northeast, then worked in DC. She used to give me crap for being from Texas- flyover country. Then she went to law school in New Orleans- and really liked the South. Now she lives in Austin, and loves Texas. She definitely doesn't

Whataburger is way better, as a fast food cheeseburger.

I'm sorry, but I respectfully disagree. When spending millions on trackable cars, lap times are where I start. For that reason, alone, the P1 takes the cake. Add to that it's awesome design, and the fact that like all true track cars it has a roof, it's the bee's knees for me.