
@Daemonstalker: The UK is most certainly a member of the EU.

@dsmx: Still doesn't make sense. There's no reason they couldn't have recorded a realtime video. The grenade response is shody cover for a poor framerate or worse.

@Mongoosekun: No, this is not the same as the Immersion suit. In fact Sony had to license the "tech" covered by this pattent.

@MSUSteve: The fact that Nintendo could release three iterations of controllers before getting sued makes this a little questionable.

How about never again in July. E3 belongs in May. Everyone has media events budgeted for then. That's why we got so many pre-E3 announcements and nothing at the actual event.

@excel_excel: Agreed. Ashley was one of the most enjoyable "guard the tard" assignments I've ever had.

For all the people bitching, E3 has never been open to the public. It's a trade show, not a convention. Even back in the heyday you were supposed to show credentials at the door. Anyone who got into E3 without being a retailer or member of the press snuck in or weaseled thier way in because their friend's cousin

@Moonshadow101: But that's exactly what it's coming out for. Did you watch the video?

@bobeotm: Most games need to relase on more than one platform or they don't make any money. Take a look at most of the big third party games that were console exclusives and you will see backing from the console manufacturer.

Man is The Most Dangerous Game...

@ggodo: No kidding. The Trublood advertising campaign is much less offensive than the Coors one. Especially since the clock on the Coors ads seem to be tied to Kotaku time.

"Make sure you check out the full post if you're interested in the game."

Those screens look suspiciously like broken images to me.

Will there be Coors?

@pylon_trooper: Adriatic not Agean. He's Italian not Greek.