Agent Zeke Kelso

This was all so easily avoided.

Two years later, "Inherent Vice" (set in 1970) is suddenly revived as a cutting edge, prescient film.

Time to roll back out those 2010 billboards with Bush's face that said: "Miss me yet?"

2010 midterms (& then again in 2014). Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! Just give the game away by pouting at home. Infuriating.

The fact that this occurred just a couple of Presidents ago is sickening. Absolutely preventable and yet here we sit once again in a pile of self-administered s**t.

This times 1000. I'm not sure why it's only on the left where voters think not voting (or *choke* PROTEST vote) is somehow going to send a message but it is. And then they wonder why nothing changes (or changes for the worse). Suicide every two years.

Blake Lively. Bikini. Great white shark. Whadda ya need, a road map!?!

Not Catholic, but I grew up in the Deep South and Satan was/is a very real thing that could get you at any time if you weren't always on guard. Therefore, "The Exorcist" scared me paralytic (still does at times).

Rock has been a dead language since at least the early 1990's.

I bought the Universal Monsters "Frankenstein" blu ray a few weeks ago (all the films look amazing).

Not to mention that Universal made a bajillion dollars at the box office in 2015 with (mostly) so-called "normal" releases aka none this of shared universe nonsense (which only works for Marvel because that's how they were intended to work).

"The Exorcist" opening is vital to setting that film's tone. Such a creepy beginning. Added resonance now with its Iraq setting.

A masterful opening, the result of which remains unseen to the audience until later when Graham takes the same walk and turns on the lights in the bedroom. Absolutely chilling.

Just re-watched "Lethal Weapon" (1 & 2) recently for the first time in decades. Riggs is uncomfortably nuts in the original especially considering how he evolves into such a cuddly comedic bear over the next few films.

If you have not seen "One False Move" you should get on that ASAP.

Spearmint or fruit?

"Aliens" is, obviously, packed with action, but, to me, it is and forever will be a gargantuan horror film. It is an amphetamine fueled nightmare not easily shaken.

With the great Charles McGraw!

I saw it today. The movie is very much about the people you speak of and honors them greatly.