
I don't think you're wrong about the context/references, but if it were in the context of a class on graphic novels as literature, wouldn't the classroom discussion be the perfect place to bring that stuff up? In fact, given the lasting influence on the comics/graphic novel industry that Watchmen has had, I think that

Living in the greater Seattle area, you see the MSFT Connect buses everywhere. What I notice is that their biggest value is to the rank-and-file sorts who maybe don't have the means to live close to the MSFT campuses, and have to live further afield (Renton, Bothell, Everett, Edmunds, etc.). That said, even in areas

As I alluded to in another thread, there's also the fact that many business commuters getting off public transit and the like are likely to be clad in muted grays, blacks, or browns. This is why I make sure that I carry something bright to wear for my commute, even if I take it off once I get to the office. It won't

That's pretty much the worst kind of entitled behavior. I get it, she's stressed out, and having a bunch of kids doesn't help, but it doesn't make her behavior acceptable in the slightest. I'd like to see her try that downtown.

It also fits with commuting patterns, specifically for public transit users. That combination of poor light/visibility, high vehicular traffic, and more pedestrian commuters makes it that much more likely. Plus, most business commuters are likely to be clad in black, gray, or brown for professional reasons, and that

Yeah, I was getting the same feeling. Kagawa is too talented to let rot on the bench, but he's stuck on a team sitting behind guys who are even more talented. I kind of think there are still very good teams where he could find a role, but that CAM position at Man U. just isn't where it's at.

I don't know...promising something as filled with "unlimited possibilities" just seems to be asking for it. After all, it's impossible for a bengal tiger to appear out of nowhere in the throne room. Already, all bengal-tiger-in-a-throne-room possibilities have been limited. I'm suing. Who's with me?

I've always viewed Lynch's Dune as an idiosyncratic, flawed film that is nonetheless fascinating. It's not good, but it is never boring. Plus, the visuals were very distinctive. I liked hearing a bit about the process behind it.

To be fair, I might have a blind spot towards things involving Vikings.

I love how they describe it as "moderately powerful".

Hey, bad example, because Outlander is a legitimately awesome movie that I watch without irony because it really is fun.

It's a bit more sinister than what we're used to, but I like it.

Wait…Jeff got his initial fake law degree in Colombia. That means he HAS to have left Colorado…

At first, the Arrow only used the voice modulator tech when he was speaking to people that knew him as Oliver to further disguise himself. This season, he's switched to using it full-time, which frankly, is probably a bit wiser. Part of it is that in season 1, most of the people the Arrow went after ended up with an

Not sure I would call it Apatow-ian. It looks much more Wes Anderson-ian.

The problem, though, is that not that the station requires all sorts of work. The problem is that it means he imagines that

A noteworthy addition to the list:

Dubai is a city that was made for supervillainy. Not just for the man-made archipelago, but also for the underwater hotel.

Ach! Kinja! Double post!