
Literal fury. Thats what I feel when I watch that "news" clip in the first video. They should be utterly ashamed of themselves, as they show an obvious biased against something they know nothing about.

You'd think an american company would be smart enough to know most people want to be able to fiddle with our tech and understand its inner workings.

This to me is a back-handed retraction. He's mocking activision's half-assed attempt to say "sure he's a dick, but we have no comment".

@Vysion: I just like quiz games, casuals be damned :p.


Developers learning from mistakes? Kotdick could learn much from them.

@leoblaze30: So he's only a huge dick instead of a colossal one? Dont get me wrong; CEOs being whores for share holders is one thing, but pissing on everyone else to do it is still a low blow.

@ExploadingAlah: I'd still rather be the former than the latter, but I wont entirely disagree with your words against Schafer. He's no god of gaming, but he's wonderful.

It was such an awesome show. Please bring it back MS! I had so much fun finally having a game I could play with so many different people.

Dude, they got Juri JUST RIGHT, and she's been out for maybe a few months at most?

Dude, they got Juri JUST RIGHT, and she's been out for maybe a few months at most?

Ninty just scored more awesome points with me.

@Xagest: Or, a Parcheesi tournament maybe? Yes?

@nicktennear: I do not understand why people hate being corrected. I love being corrected, and I WISH people would correct me when I say not correct or do something inefficiently.

@mastrgamr: You sound like my ex-wife. Stop it :(.

Do I want one?

@battra92: Take out the "no friends" part and its closer to reality. We're talking about an MMO here, even the pvp jocks have to be friends with at least ONE person for an arena team.

After having nearly every possible bad thing that can happen through WoW happen (oddly enough, the exception there is being hacked) I quit back on Feb 26th.

The time duplicate clone increases its Doom quotient until the universe answers with enough paradox backlash that the person dies.

THIS is what is going to pave the way for the future of personal aircraft. This is only now dependent on how much we can take in from solar energy, and how much we can store at once. I'd be willing to bet good money you could take one of those smaller personal aircraft and combine the technology for super cheep